Chapter 4- Poppy

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"Now, Potter. Can you tell me one main difference between an adult and a baby Unicorn?" I pointed to a gangly second year Gryffindor. Of course, I'd picked him out of all the eager girls as he'd been showing off to his friends at the back of the class!

"Oh, erm.... one's littler than the other?" This brought out a fit of giggles in the girls.

"Keen observation, Potter. If only it were as simple as that!"

"I mean, he aint wrong is he Professor?" 

I laughed, "No Mr Scamander, he's not. But for speaking up for him, you can tell me another one."

"Well, I heard my Mum say the little'n's are okay being around boys, and the adults are a bit dodgy with us." Again, the girls giggled. They were beginning to annoy me.

"Well done, Scamander. Ten points to Hufflepuff."

I continued the lesson, remembering my own lessons with Professor Howin. She'd known so much about Unicorns, and passed all her books on each creature to me when I took over. I had flicked through them many a time over the years, and planned on showing Reggie when he got older. At five years old, he was still a bit young for heirlooms!

I set the class to making drawings and notes on the two baby unicorns I'd found in the forest with their mother, whilst I took a seat at my desk. I was so uncomfortable with this baby! Reggie had been quite an easy pregnancy in comparison. I couldn't wait until this one popped out.

"Would you like me to take over, Poppy, and you can get yourself a rest in your office?" Isaac asked behind me.

"I'll be alright, Isaac; thank you. Honestly, this is the last baby! I'm asking Natty for her contraceptive tea once this one's out of me."

Isaac laughed, "She says hello by the way."

"You'll have to come over for tea one day. We'd love to have you over... all three of you." I winked. 

Isaac blushed slightly, "Does Ominis still not have a clue about.... um.... the situation?"

I shook my head, smiling, "He truly is blind in more ways than one. He'll figure it out one day, I'm sure."

"Until that day, I am just Gareth's best friend," Isaac looked sadly at the ground, "To Ominis and everyone else in the world."

"But you're something more to those that count." I included Ominis in those few. You know.... once he figured out what their situation was, of course.

"I just wish I could take their name too. Mr and Mrs Weasley, plus Mr Snicket. I wish we could all share the same name."

I looked to make sure none of the students were listening in, but they were too engrossed with the Unicorns. I whispered, "And you all manage to stay.... satisfied, with there being three of you?"

Isaac laughed, making Henry Potter look round at us briefly. "Thinking about adding a third to your bedroom, Professor Sweeting?"

"As much as Ominis would love that idea, I'm sure, we're quite happy just the two of us."

"He's still absolutely smitten with you, isn't he?"

I smiled, "He is. And I him. But.... Oi! Miss Parker; tug that Unicorn's ears one more time and you'll be in detention for the rest of the term!.... I feel like Ominis is hiding something."

"Hiding something? Like what?"

"I don't know. But he's not telling me what he gets up to during the day. It's as if he doesn't want me to know what he's up to." I'm sure Yen would know. She had a way of finding out all our secrets; which meant Sebastian would know. 

"Maybe he's got a surprise ready for when the baby comes. All secrets don't have to be bad Poppy."

I murmured my agreement. This was the man who took my name after we got married, after all. He liked to surprise me. This felt different somehow. And I would find out. 

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