She is the planner?

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The headache was more severe than usual as she was rolling on the bed like she did not get enough sleep. She attempts to get up until she heard the door creaking, she pretended to still be asleep, there is only one person she knows who would sneak in like that but she could hear different footsteps.
Her window was opened and everywhere suddenly lit up 'how come!' she thought and even wonders how her sister was already awake.
"The Taiye I know would be awake by now." Her sister said.
"I know right? What is wrong with her?" The second person said.
She recognizes that voice anywhere, that was her foolish friend, Bimpe Shobola, 'What was she doing here so early' she thought again.
"Who knows." Her sister replied Bimpe.
"Do you think she was served breakfast?" Bimpe asked with her eyes widely opened like she saw something surprising.
Kehinde stares at Bimpe for a while and chuckled "breakfast sho!  No be who get boyfriend dem dey dish breakfast, She doesn't even have a boyfriend."
"True, then the only thing bothering her can be work. Maybe she lost a contract, a huge one at that."
"It's possible." Kenny said putting her jaw in between her fingers.
"Would you guys just leave my room now." She said as she sat up on her bed looking so sick, she looks towards the window and was surprised.
"Are you okay?" Her sister asked sitting right beside her, helping her arrange her hair.
" Kenny, what is the time?"
Bimpe looks at the time on her phone. "The time is 11:35 am, which is twenty-five minutes to twelve." She said.
It was morning, the sun was shining brightly through her window showing it was definitely past waking up time. On a Monday morning.
"What is wrong with you? Are you well cause you look sick? I think you need to see a doctor." She said still arranging her hair.
"How come it is this late and nobody came to wake me up?" Taiye shouted.
"How come you are also waking up late?" By now Kenny's hand was on the bed and not on her sister's hair as she replies her question with another.
"Do you have any idea how many meetings I would have missed by now?" Taiye asked angrily.
"Well don't blame me, even little Tomi has gone for class and as a matter of fact, I tried but you know your dad......" She shrugged ".......he claimed you haven't woken up because you are probably exhausted and that I shouldn't wake you up."
"Well, I need to get to work right now." As she was about to stand up her phone rang, Temitope, her assistant called her and she declined the call.
"Well, why not take the day off?" Taiye eyed her friend, Bimpe.
"Omobimpe, you are talking as if you don't know her, se o mo eni ti o ni ni? (Don't you know her?)" Kehinde got up and made to leave as she added " when you are back we have to go see Kevin, so we can know what is wrong with you because you look sick and I know you wouldn't go to the hospital if I leave it to you."
"She looks just fine to me." Bimpe said going behind Kehinde.
"You know I am not a child." Taiye said as she heads for her bathroom.
"Yes, you are in fact my child." She exits the room along with Bimpe.
"Silly." She said smiling as she finally enters her bathroom.
She picked up her toothbrush spreading her Colgate toothpaste on it as she brushed her teeth quickly. She took a quick bath and got out of the bathroom, she heads into her dressing room.
She picked out her blue and white pantsuit, her white sneakers and an average-length black straight wig, and a blue portable handbag. She got dressed, did a slight makeup, and transferred some files from her brown bag to the blue one she plans on taking to work.
Her phone rang again, she checked the screen to see who was calling only to find that it is her
P.A. yet again. As she picks up the call she heads out of her room.
"Hello, Tope."
"Good afternoon ma, you are late."
"I am on my way already, Did Mr. Charles come by already?"
"No, he did not but Mrs. Abosede did come with her daughter and she was very angry."
"Is she still there?" She asked as she heads downstairs.
"No, she left a while ago."
"I would call her when I get to the office."
"Yes, ma."
"What about the people Kunle said were coming."
"They are not here yet?"
"Okay, see you ."
"Yes, ma." She hung up.
"Ounty Taiye, Gu aftunu. What shall eat?" Abike asked smiling.
'There she goes again with her grammar.' Taiye thought.
"Abike, ti mo ba ti de, ma  jeun. ( I would eat when I get back.) Tell Kehinde I went to work already."
"Okay, ma."
Taiye went out of the house into the compound, she opened the door to her car dropped her bag on the front passenger seat and left to open the gate to the compound, she came back and entered her car, and drove out.
Her mind was occupied with a lot of thought. It felt so dark even when everywhere is so bright, it is only 12:27 pm, But her world sure was dark, she couldn't see anything except hear the moving cars passing beside her. She was certain she was asleep and need to be woken up as she smiled at that realization. But her smile shattered when a car horn at her back. She was brought back to life.
"Na you get the road wey you dey do anyhow?" She hear the driver shout and saw him pop his head outside his car window through her side mirror.
Then she realized she was still driving, 'how has she been driving? She doesn't want to die just yet? No, she can't? She have to live, she still have to get married after she has found her Mr. Right,  she also have to pick aso ebi for her sister's wedding, and she have to have kids and watch them grow like her parents did, so how can she die now? No, it must all be a joke. A joke that the universe was playing on her.' she thought.
"You no dey hear word abi?" The driver shouts again and was constantly horning. On hearing that she started driving a bit faster. But she couldn't go much further as she was too exhausted. She drove to a corner and parked.
"Werey." The driver who was at her back earlier said as he drove past her, she wasn't in a good mood, she would have given him a befitting reply.
She removed her phone and ordered a uber. While waiting for the Uber, a grey Mercedes Benz GLE 63s that has passed her before reversed, the driver winded down the window and she looks down to see who it was.
"Hi, I see you have a problem with your car, where are you headed so I can drop you?" He said smiling.
Now she has had enough, the past few weeks is going so bad for her already, especially with doctor Laolu and then this morning, starting from when she woke up late, the driver who cursed her earlier and now this.
"Is that how you do? Parking to pick up every girl you see standing at the roadside. What exactly do you take me for."
"No need to get offended." A lady who got down from the car said.
"I see, you already have a lady in your car, I guess one isn't enough." Taiye said causing the driver to laugh.
"Sorry, it is his fault for trying to help your sorry ass."
"Well my sorry ass did not ask for help."
"Exactly, that is why it is his fault, you this rude little..." She was interrupted.
"Hey, don't you dare, you better run along before it gets bloody, you wouldn't be able to handle it."
She started walking towards Taiye "Why don't we make it bloody to see if I would be able to handle it."
"Hey ladies calm down, okay?" He smiled saying this "Janet, get back into the car." She obeyed him.
"You better thank him and your stars, you would have seen bloody today."
"It is okay" He said to Janet.
Facing Taiye "I am sorry."
"Better be." He smiled and drove off.
The Uber driver got there not quite long after the other driver left.
         "Are you the Uber driver?" She asked to avoid another trouble.
         "Yes ma."
         "What took you so long?"
         "Traffic ma. Come inside" the driver looking in his late thirties said. She entered the car as he drove her to her destination. It was quiet all through the journey as the driver focused on his job while she focus on thinking about her life.
He drops her in front of her small company's gate and she paid him. Turning towards the gate, she saw the same car and driver who stopped to give her a lift.
'So he followed me all the way here.' she thought.
"I see you followed me all the way here." She said heading towards them as he smiled not replying.
" You again." Janet said angrily.
"I got here before you so how can I possibly follow you?" He asked.
'True.' she thought, "then have you been monitoring me.?" She asked.
He laughed as Janet joined in. In the process, the gate was opened and a young man came out of it.
       "Good afternoon ma." He greeted Taiye.
      "Good afternoon Kunle." She replied.
      "Hey Kunle." Janet greeted.
She began to wonder how Kunle knows them and if they are there to see Kunle. Then she thought 'Hope .........'
     " Ma, they are the ones I told you would come to see you."
    "What? She is the planner?" Janet asked.

*Werey means a mad person
*Breakfast is a slang for break ups
And there you have it, the first chapter of the book, I hope you love it.
And come to think of it, isn't Taiye weird? And who is this Janet and the guy? And what do they mean by asking if she is the planner? you comment your thoughts.
Pls vote! Read! And comment as well 🙏🙏🙏 I love you guys 🥰🥰🥰

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