Sunsetz - Cigarettes After Sex

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Hyunjin and I were walking to a boba cafe after a couple hours at the park. His right hand was interlocked with mine and his left hand was taking a picture of the sunset. "Y/N, go stand over there." He said and let go of my hand,  pointing to a spot on the street. I walked over and he took a picture of me with a view of the sunset in the back. I ran back over to where he was and looked at the picture, I smiled and he sent it to me. He took my hand again and we kept walking. 

He opened the door for me and I walked to the counter. After he paid, he came and sat next to me. He turned on his phone and I saw he set the picture he took of me as his wallpaper. He saw me looking and hid his phone. I groaned and he got up to get our drinks. He walked back with a smile on his face. He had already sat down but I was still staring at his perfect smile. "Y/N?"

"Sorry, I was daydreaming." I said.

"It's ok, anyways, which would should I get because this cheaper but this one smells nicer." He said pointing to different perfumes on his phone.

"Whatever one you like better." I said staring into his eyes. He looked back at his phone and I was still staring at his eyes, the little mole under his left eye. He looked back at me and laughed. "Drink your boba so I can take you home." He said. I nodded and took a sip of my boba.


When we get to my doorstep, he let go of my hand. "Text me when you get home." I said.

"I will, see you on Monday." He said with a smile and left. I walked inside my house and set my bag on the counter before taking my phone out my pocket. I texted the groupchat between the girls and I. 

help me 😫🙏

I went upstairs and laid on my bed. None of them replied but I knew who would.


I put my phone down and groaned. When I got up to get ready for bed, my phone rang, it was I.N


"What do you need?"

"I think I like Hyunjin."

ooo cliffhanger 💀

y'all i started mapping out my ideas for boba and idk how i feel abt this chpt but my homegirl said she liked it so imma listen to her 😋

anyways i hope y'all like this chpt more than me 


-Rui <3

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