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𝐧𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯

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𝐧𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯

𝐘/𝐍 𝐋/𝐍 woke up in cold sweat. Looking around, there was nothing but darkness.

'I think I have gone blind.' Y/n thought before deciding to smack whatever was infront of him, the sudden light blinding his eyes.

'What the fuck did I just do?' Y/n rubbed his eyes, stepping out of the locker with a lazy shrug before realizing he was still feeling slight dizziness.

Leaning on the locker door he shut earlier for support, he waited a few seconds for the dizziness to dissappear as he rubbed his temples.


Y/n slowly turned his head to the locker beside him, his eyes being wide. 'The fuck?' Y/n thought before deciding to back away from the locker.

Whoever was inside the locker started hitting the locker door more violently as the person finally managed to slam the locker door open.

Y/n flinched, about to attempt to run and hide under a desk. But he stopped in his tracks. Y/n kept watching as a blonde girl with pink clothes stepped out of the locker, looking around in absolute confusion.

Y/n didn't make a noise, waiting for the girl to notice him. The blonde finally turned her head, being face to face with Y/n.

❝AHHHH!❞ The blonde screamed, making Y/n put his hand over her mouth, covering it to prevent her from screaming.

❝Why are you screaming, you dumbass?! What if someone hears us?!❞ Y/n whisper-yelled at her before slowly retreating his hand from the girl's mouth.

The blonde raised an eyebrow before her eyes widened in shock. ❝Wait a second.. Y/n L/n?!❞ She pointed at the male.

❝Yep. The one and only!❞ Y/n flipped his hair proudly before crossing his arms. ❝But, hey! That doesn't matter! Did you kidnap me, huh?!❞ Y/n furrowed his eyebrows, poking The blondes nose continously.

❝N-No! Of course not! I also got kidnapped, I think..❞ She pouted, grabbing Y/n's hand that was poking her gently.

❝Why would I trust you? You might be one of my crazy fans, after all.❞ Y/n raised an eyebrow in suspicion, crossing his arms.

❝You have a point.. But I can assure you,  I don't mean any harm. I promise! I-I might be one of your fans but- WOAH!-❞ Suddenly, the blonde tripped, falling on top of Y/n.

❝Wow, thanks for proving my assumptions!❞ Y/n glared at the female, who was a blushing mess.

❝W-Wait! That was not intentional! I-I'm still feeling dizzy, okay..?!❞ The girl panicked, standing up in a flash and covering her face in embarrassment.

Y/n deadpanned, standing up and dusting himself off. ❝So, are you going to introduce yourself already?❞ Y/n asked, getting bored.

❝Ah, yes-❞

𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬. drv3 various ᝰ.ᐟWhere stories live. Discover now