One more try ~ Charles Leclerc

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Okay maybe Kate, my best friend who I meet years ago , is right. I need to go out do something and get my mind off. The brake up a couple of weeks ago hit me hard. To hard to be exact. The pressure from all the fans and the media was too much for me.
Kate planned something. She sad it will be a surprise and I should dress myself very well. So I did. I put on my glitter white dress and wait for her to pick me up. It is  9 p.m when Kate nocks on my door.

„Alright Sweetie are you ready to have the best night of your life?" she says standing in a beautiful blue dress in front of me.  She always looks good even when she's asleep. I'm kinda jealous of her.

„ I'm so ready babe! Can you tell me now what we are doing?" I ask her and close my door.

„We do that what we are good in it. We go on a big party."

„Okay that makes sense to me. Where is it?" I ask her.

„ On the beach is a big party, almost everyone will be there."

„Please don't tell me whole Monaco will be there" My mood changes quickly when she said that.

„Don't worry girl! He won't be there for sure. He probably is busy to prepare for a race or something." Kate takes my hand to calm me down.
I only can hope that she is right. I don't wanna see him right know it will hurt to much.

The night life in Monaco is something different. The people in Monaco are looking pretty arrogant but it is the complete opposite. They are so open to everyone and wanna have some fun. As we arrived hundert of people where already partying and enjoyed there life. I immediately feel better and forgot everything that happened with Charles. It was time to move on and start a new life. We go over to the beach bar and took some shots to get in party mood. We dance together and it feels great to spend time together.

„ Jesus I have to pee so bad. I will go quick. Don't run away!" Kate can't even walk, so hard she has to go to the toilet.

„ I won't I swear, but hurry up!" I laugh when I saw her nearly peeing herself.
As long as she is gone I go to the bar and order some more drinks for us.

„Hey! Can I have please two sex on the beach!" I say to the hot barkeeper.

I watch the barkeeper making our drinks when a hand softly touches my back.

No please don't!
I turn around and put the hand away from me.
„ No please go Charles!" All the feeling I felt all weeks long are coming back again.

„Please Y/n let me explain!" Charles looks at me and I can feel his pain.

„ I don't wanna talk. Please just go!" I cut him off almost in tears.

„I will not leave you! I will never leave you y/n!" His voice brakes even more.
„I miss you!"

„ No you don't have the right to tell me that Charles!" I step away from him a bit.

„ Nothing in this world can justify what I did to you! I know this but I cannot live without you! And I know that you still love me" He steps closer.

The worst thing about this is that he is right. I cannot live without him. Even now he makes me feel safe. But I am still hurt.

„Charles I can't to this again!" Tears falling down my cheeks.

„I know y/n. But you have to trust me! We will be privat. I will protect you with my life what ever it costs! I love you!" Charles words make my heart warm.

Maybe we can do it. I know that he will protect me. Charles always did. We protect us always no matter what will happen.

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