Chapter 5

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    "...That's it," Ella said.

    After listening to Ella's narration, Xi Yuan couldn't help cursing secretly, what's the matter.

    "I see. Contact me when you arrive."

    Ella seemed to notice that he was about to hang up, and said hurriedly, "Wait a minute, Ayuan, have you thought about what to do with Xi Jianjian?" "When you

    arrive , you will know." This time he hung up very quickly.

    Xi Yuan was too lazy to explain and didn't want to explain. He believed that when Ella arrived, he would not say too much when he knew his decision.

    Don't ask, just ask because he wants to do that, he is the male and he has the final say.

    ——He has always been good at taking advantage of the conditions in his favor.

    Xi Yuan leaned on the soft sofa chair, he frowned as he thought about the situation of the cubs in Ella's mouth.

    The situation of the worm cubs is not as bad as I thought, but it is not good either. The predecessor interrupted the first evolution of the cub. After being sent to the doctor for treatment, his life was barely saved, but he was also disabled.

    The first evolution of the worm cub? This word is a bit unfamiliar to Xi Yuan.

    But it's not a big problem.

    He clicked on the optical computer in his hand, and entered "the first evolution of the female cub" in the search bar, and the relevant content soon appeared on the interface.

    Before Xi Yuan died, he also experienced many new technologies of the Federation, but it was not difficult for him to get started with a piece of civilian equipment in this civilization.

    [The first evolution of the female cub: the female cub will face a physical evolution in the third year after birth. The first physical evolution is mainly to gather the spiritual core...] Xi Yuan read the content on the webpage at a glance

    . After reading it, I also read the related links displayed on the side by the way.

    After reading it, he didn't know what to say.

    When Xi Yuan first heard about Zong Cub's situation, he was more or less fortunate in his heart, at least he was still alive.

    But after reading these contents, he felt that it was too early to rejoice.

    According to Ella, the worm cubs were planned for the first evolution, and the condensed spiritual core was broken up, making it almost impossible to re-condense.

    To a female, the spiritual core is just as important as his spiritual space. And a female without a core is doomed to be unable to use her mental power for the rest of her life.

    And because he was seriously injured when condensing the core, it is impossible for the worm cub to have the same physique as a healthy worm cub in the future... Although Aila's words were vague, Xi Yuan could still hear it. It will be difficult to grow up alive.

    Xi Yuan pinched the bridge of his nose and told himself not to think about it for now, and see if he can find a way to treat it later.

    When he closed the webpage and was about to search for other information about the composition of the Zerg society, he saw Liao Yuan.

    "What's wrong?" Liao Yuan walked over and saw his tired face.

    Xi Yuan turned off the optical brain casually, and said, "It's nothing."

When Alpha Transmigrates Into A Male [Zerg]Where stories live. Discover now