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He had dragged me all the way to the lake where I last was with David. I felt a sense of discomfort coming here, especially since I didn't have any bad memories here, and I had wished it stayed that way. He halted his pacing and turned to look at me, his hazel eyes piercing me with a longing. I felt startled and turned away, "What do you want?" I finally spoke out, feeling as if the silence and awkwardness was going to kill me if I didn't.

"..." He stayed quiet.

"Well? Aren't you going to say something?"

"...I saw you yesterday, at the park." He mumbled, making me freeze instantly. 

"So?" I bit my lip, so what if he saw me? 

The silence filled the room again, I sighed, "Craig, why did you bring me here?" I stared at him, trying to figure out what he wanted to say. But his face remained indifferent, just like before.

"Why didn't you talk to me that time? Craig finally spat out, making me scoff.

"Excuse me?" I must've heard it wrong.

"It's just that, the whole week you've been following me, but you stopped all of sudden so–" I cut him off. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"What, you want me to keep chasing you around? Does it boost your ego or something? I thought maybe you came to apologize for what you said last time, but never mind. Forget it, Craig." I turned my body and started to walk the other direction. I gritted my teeth, trying not to tear up or do something stupid. I wanted to hate him so badly, yet my brain couldn't help but just think, why didn't you come after me if you saw me?

The horrible throbbing in my chest made it harder for me. This sucks so much.


After that, I decided to skip first period and just go to my second since class was almost over by the time I had made it to school. The day went by as usual, although I couldn't help but feel bothered by Craig's avoidance again, but I didn't bother to acknowledge it this time. I was tired of it as it was already. Stan invited me to come to this party with him, promising he'll stay with me and didn't stop begging me. Reluctantly, though, I agreed for once. It was good to let off some steam after all that's happened.

So, as of now, I am getting ready to go to a party. I was finishing putting on my shoes when I got a text on my phone. I went to go check on it. It was David, I felt myself smile as I picked up to answer his text. 

Hey Kyle, what are you up to?

Not much, just getting ready to go to a party with Stan. What's up?

Cool, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out, but it seems like you have plans already, haha.

Oh, I'm sorry, David. Why don't you come with us? It'll be nice to have another familiar face with us!

Really? I'd love to.

Great! It's settled then, we can meet at my place. I'll see you then.

I felt giddy as I quickly went to text Stan about the update. He was chill with it, and so, time quickly passed. I had finished getting ready when I heard the doorbell ring. I ran down to get it. "David, you're here!" I gleamed as I saw him wave at me when I opened the door. "Ma, I'll be going now!" I yelled out to my mom. She warmly let me off and told me to stick to my curfew. David let out a laugh as I blushed embarrassedly.

We walked over to Stan's, where he was waiting for us. He was wearing a black leather jacket, some black jeans, and a white t-shirt. He was on his phone, leaning his back on his dad's car. "You made it!" Stan grinned as he noticed us walking towards him. I smiled, "Nice fit." I nudged him. He playfully punched me on my shoulder.

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