A Commentary on Comparison

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HUmans are instinctually, unciocunsly, constantly judging. as a result of this, our precetpions of the world- althgouh tainted by our past expierences and projections of ourselves, cause competition within those around us. THe highest gift a person can give another is that of their love and affection, is is the primary need of all human beings. This means that to wbe able to grant or withhold this is the highest power. Therefore, we are all constnatly competintg for this limited resource. This means that judgement determines the best of the competition, selects them, and allows for further advancement. Therefore, we are all constantly being judged with one another, as a result of this, the most desierable propser. The undesierables, those with less useful traits to society, or who cannot love, are removed form society unconsciously by numerous judgements. This means the old, disabled, ugly, stupid of society are washed to the wayside. This is despite the fact that they do not chose to be any of these things. Often times it's being pushed to the wayside to begin with that causes these tratis to emerge, such as neglectful parents. This means that the early childhoood expiernces shapes the soceital life lest there is a paradigm shift within them. This means the only true way to have value and worth towards others(as when in reguards as towards onseelf this is all irrelevent as self-perception is a personal journey). So, the only true external "real" value percived and given by others is that of worth.THis worth is determined by others, and the despireable or undesirable traits one may posses. These traits are phsycial attraction and ability, kindness and "pureness of heart"(such as overall goodness, generosity, honesty), and worth in regaurds to wealth. This means that compariosn, judgement, and worth are all a integral part of society and cannnot be removed from it.

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