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Onika woke up breathing heavily from being splashed with a ton of water. She opened her mouth, in desperate need of air as the water hit her face. Onika choked on the water, til she got herself together to figure out where she was at. She automatically noticed the shower ceiling she was under. The shower would rain down water on her for a minute then suddenly stopped. Onika, confused and scared, looked down at her body which was fully exposed. Her feet touched the floor, it was hard to stand up straight from her leg being grazed. Onika's hands tied up by rope to a steel bar which made her hold her arms up above her head. Onika began to cry looking around the room which was empty with no windows, just one big metal door with many locks. Onika started to tug at the rope her hand was tied with but it only scratched her skin up, making it burn.

The locks on the door began to turn, Onika started to panic even more, knowing who was behind the door. The last lock finally clicked and the door slowly pushed open revealing Matías whose sleeves were rolled up, showing his strong forearms. Matías' eyes held no emotion looking at Onika whose body shook from the cold water. The room was cold and Onika's body was an icicle so bad her nipples ached. She did not say a word and neither did he but she began to speak when her eyes connected with a thick black extension cord in Matías' hands.

Oh no. Onika thought this was one of her worst fears ever since she was a child, being whipped was something that terrified her, even watching slavery pictures she would cry. She never knew what it was but it shook something in her core.

Matías began unraveling the cord he held as he watched Onika be splashed with another ton of water. She tugged at the rope some more trying to break free. She cried and begged Matías, she would do whatever he wanted but he didn't listen. The whole time Matías was cold to Onika she didn't see how his eyes used to light up a little whenever he saw her. No, his silver eyes were dark and emotionless.

He hit the cord on the ground, Onika hearing the crack from the cord whip made her stomach drop. She began to breathe heavily seeing no escape, she could hear her own heart beat before the cord made contact with her wet skin. She screamed, trying to move her legs away but she couldn't, her rashed arms held in place above her head. Feeling another crack on her skin, this time on her back. She jumped and cried feeling the harsh sting that lingered on her skin. The hits were now coming continually, Matías was just warming up hitting Onika in every place he saw.

Onika began to see the water that ran from her body turn red. She hissed feeling the water hit her open wounds. She screamed so much it hurt to even talk now. Matías beat her nonstop as she stood under the water. When he was finally done he dropped the cord on the floor, Onika thanked God, she hoped it was over after this, feeling her legs hurting from standing for so long. Matías left the room but turned out the lights before he did, leaving Onika in the dark.


Onika cried when she entered her home, she had missed so much. The last few days were absolutely terrible. Matías let Onika come home to her grandma but she is not allowed outside not to even get her mail. Matías took care of everything that Onika would need outside the house, all she had to do was ask the bodyguards. Matías killed the last two bodyguards that watched Onika and replaced them with six new ones. Four of them stood at Onika's front and back door while the other two stayed outside the house.

Onika's body was sore, Matías had made sure Onika was well taken care of by the doctor that he threatened to kill if the doctor didn't heal Onika in a week. The doctor gave her medicine which did help with the pain and swelling but Onika was drained. She didn't know how many times she had to tell God she didn't want this life, she didn't deserve this life. Onika's eyes stayed swollen from all the crying, it gave her a headache.

Matías also was going to take Onika to get dental implants soon after her mouth healed, all Onika could eat was applesauce and mashed foods.

Matías did not apologize to Onika at all. She explained what happened but Matías did not care at all, that memory of Onika and them still thrived in his head, making his thirst to hurt Onika be even greater so he advised her to shut up. She wanted to scream, this was so unfair, she never won with Matías.

Onika had not heard from Halle, Onika knew that Matías is not very fond of Halle either now even though Matías told Onika, Halle was fine and in a hospital but Onika still did not trust his words. She was worried so she had called Halle.

The phone rang until Onika heard someone pick up the phone.

"Hello." The raspy voice said. Onika was relieved hearing her best friend's broken voice on the phone.

"Halle i-its you right?" Onika asked.

"Yes." Halle said immediately recognizing who she was now on the phone with, her voice didn't sound too happy saying this.

"Halle I-I am so sorry, i-im so glad you're okay." Onika cried joyfully on the phone, she started to rant on the phone over what was going on, only for a silence as a response from Halle before she started to laugh to herself dryly.

"Onika." She suddenly said,


"Please do not call me ever again." Onika's face scrunched hearing her words, asking her what she meant. "I am done with you Onika, me and you no longer have anything in common and I do not wish to ever see you ever again."

Halle's words struck Onika's heart, as tears dropped down her face. This was her best friend her whole life and now she is leaving her alone with the 'devil'. The phone then hung up, not letting Onika speak, she didn't know how to feel. She sat on the couch only hearing silence in her ears, the same silence that was in that dark room Matías left her in. She felt lonely, all alone, no help to call because no one would dare save her from him.


Hope y'all are having a great summerr💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾!!

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