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Onika kept working after serving the Diamond Family despite the question running through her head.

What did he say?

Onika didn't wanna ignore the question, so she thought about using Google translate but she decided not to, she was getting too curious about someone she knows she doesn't have any business with.

The clock hit ten, Onika was left to close up the restaurant for Rachel. Onika didn't mind a little over time as long as it showed up on her paycheck.

Onika put on her jacket, grabbed her purse and other belongings then headed out the restaurant.
When she made it outside it was quiet, all you could hear was the breeze of the wind blowing the tree leaves. She continued to lock up the restaurant. Onika then put the keys in her purse and turned around.

There was He.
The man that caught her eyes on the job.

Onika screamed seeing the silver eyes again, he had scared the living life out of her. Onika didn't recall hearing footsteps behind her. She was starting to think the man wasn't human.

"My apologies, it was not my intention to scare you." The man spoke, blowing the smoke out from his cigar. Onika held her chess still trying to calm herself down.

"Where did you even come from sir?" Onika breathed out.
"Are you here for Rachel? I had to close for her tonight, she will be here tomorrow morning though."

"No." He said.

"No?" Onika repeated.


" I am here for you Hermosa." The man said. Onika looked at the man like he had five heads. What did he mean he was here for Her.
Did I do something wrong? Onika asked herself.

Onika still in her mind, she slowly looked down and noticed.

A gun.

He had a gun on his side, Onika had begun to get nervous, she never knew how to confront someone with a gun and now she is with the person she was told was very dangerous, who also has a gun.

"What is it that you want from me?" She asked, trying to keep herself calm. The gun had her wondering what was his next move but didn't wanna ask because she was too scared to mention.

"Look I gotta get going-."

"I would like to take you out sometime." The man blew out more smoke from his cigar. He didn't look nervous at all, he spoke with no fear of getting rejected.

Onika was too stunned to speak. She definitely didn't expect him to ask her that. A part of her felt like fireworks were going off inside of her, she was flattered someone as good looking as him would wanna take her out but another part of her knew that under that handsome smile, was a demon
and Onika had gone to church too much to let Satan take her now.

"Idk Mister... I think I'll have to think about it." Onika said too scared to reject him here with no one around to protect her if needed.
Onika then pulled out her phone to look at the time.

"Shit." She cursed. It was now 10:34 and she had missed her bus.

"C'mon I'm taking you home." The man said, putting his cigar out. He walked over to the Rolls Royce Cullinan pulled over on the side and then opened the passengers door.
Onika shook her head.

"No thank you, sir it's fine I'm going to just call a cab." Onika started dialing the number until she heard him say.

"I wasn't asking you Onika." His voice deep, it sent shivers down Onika's spine.
He looked at her, waiting for her to say otherwise. Onika paused she was more of a person to try to think before making a decision but right now she didn't really have one.

"Get in the car bellissima."

This man was clearly mentally ill and he could possibly hurt her so she obeyed, she got in the passenger seat and let the door close behind her. She was panicking in her head, thinking about how it was dumb of her to leave her pepper spray at home, she needed some form of protection.

He then got in the car and started driving. Onika did not say a word, she was clueless of what to do. All she knew is if she felt like she was in danger then she would scream like hell.
Which brought her back to real life of how he even knew where she lived. She looked out the window and saw familiar places like they were going to her house but she couldn't be too sure.

When they made it down the street from her house. Onika was scared. She had asked herself so many questions in their silent car ride.

Why does he wanna take me out?

How did he know my name?

How does he know where I live?

All of this really creeped Onika out the more she asked herself.

"Right up the street." Onika gave directions to the place the man already knew. The silver eyed man didn't say anything back which made Onika anxiety go up even more.

Please don't kidnap me, Please don't kidnap me. she thought to herself.

Finally he slowed down and pulled up smoothly in front of her house. Onika, not wanting to be in there a minute longer, started gathering her stuff.

"I'll give you time to get ready for our date the day after next." Onika was coming to the sense that this man was bold and even though he rarely spoke when he did, his words were always something that astonished Onika.

"I'm sorry, what is your name?." She asked.

"Matías Diamond."

"Well Matías Hello I'm Onika, nice to meet you." Onika started.
"I really appreciate the ride and everything but I don't really see a... 'us' thing ya know."

Matías looked at Onika blankly then started to chuckle to himself.

"I'll talk to you soon." He smiled at her and unlocked the doors to let her out.

Onika let him have this one, she didn't know if he was hard headed or delusional and wasn't interested to find out so she just got her stuff and opened the car door to leave but before she left.

"Bendiciones para ti mi amor." He said.

And with that she gave him one last glance and got out the car. Matías stayed out front until she made it into her house.
When Onika shut the front door after coming in, she began to feel uneasy from the previous events. She had gone to her grandma's room to tell her she was home but she couldn't conversate too long because her head hurt too much. Her grandma understood and told her to get rest.

When Onika finally made it to her room, she closed all her curtains on the windows. She couldn't lie she was a little paranoid after finding out the strange man knew so much about her.

Onika then turned off her lights and plopped on her soft bed. She prayed she could just sleep everything off and hoped everything went back to normal.

She hoped.


Til next time loves😽😽!!

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