Episode 1: Multiverse

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MHA's World

"The heroes are rising again! After the nasty war, the heroes won and the villains are no longer here anymore!" The reporter said, "Now, we're going to show the new bridge which allow all heroes and country become unite! Once again, we thank you for the class A who manage put the show and defeat all villains!"

"Mom! I can't wait to across this new bridge!" a child jump up. "I know, son. Let's see what's other country!" A dad driving a car on the bridge.

Then, something shoot out at cable which holding a bridge. The cable snapped that took everyone attention.

"What is going on?!" Passenger asked. "Something hit them!" Another man exclaimed. As more cable snapped, many people screamed and run desperately.

"What's going on?! Something is happening on the new bridge! What is that?!" The reporter asked, pointed out as the camera follow her pointing out.

It revealed a new villain. He laughed and shoot more blade at bridge and trying to trapped civilians on the bridge.

"Oh no, it's another villain! Looks like we have to wait for the heroes again!" The reporter exclaimed, soon it was appeared from TV in another place or more likely, HQ in school.

"All right! We have an emergency!" Iida announced. "That's right, we have many civilians trapped on the bridge and another villain!" Yaoyorozu informed.

"We have to split up! One of team will rescue the other, while the others deal with villain!" Jakounang exclaimed. "I think we need another group to hold the bridge," Yaoyorozu added.

"I think that will be good idea... It's best if we can hold the bridge to rescue the other and workers who had build the bridge." Midoriya nodded.

Jakounang chuckled, "Yeah, we should save bridge for workers who had work hard to build the bridge to allow unite this country and another country."

"Looks like we have a new another day to time be heroes!" Kaminari fist pump up. "That's right, we have through the war before and it's really nice to be back again with the typical normal day again," Jesse said as the other class A nodded.

"All right, let's decide our group first! The rescue team will be me, Uraraka, Asui, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, Jesse, Ace, Sero, Shoji, and Mineta!" Iida told as Jakounang added, "Then, the one who will deal with villain will be me, Fumi, Midoriya, Bakugo, Kirishima, Hagakure, Mina, Sato, Ojiro, and Sapphire!"

"I will charge for the medical for the other people who need medic, also Violet, Koda, Jiro, Aoyama, and Kaminari can help me, too!" George told them. "Sounds good!" Violet giving nod.

"Yeah," Jiro agreed. "Alright, time to beat villain!" Kirishima fish bump each other. "Let's do our best!" Uraraka exclaimed. "True, ribbit!" Tsuyu nodded. "Alright, class A, time to be heroes!" Iida shouted.

"Plus-!" Jakounang getting ready to fist bump as the other grinning and get ready as well, "ULTRA!"

"Time to suit up, everyone!" Yaoyorozu informed. "Yeah, let's try this device from Hatsume!" Hagakure said. "I hope it's not exploding again," Midoriya sweat drop.

"Don't worry, it's already been tested by me and Fumi! So, it's safe to suit up, now!" Jakounang told them. Midoriya sigh relieved and Uraraka giggling.

"Ready to go, guys?" Iida asked. The other nodded, then he started walked out the door as the other soon followed him.

They looked each other, giving nodded, and back to front, shout in unison, "Suit! Power up!" The device giving the hero costume which give them to wearing their hero costume.

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