Episode 3: Voltron & Atlas Reunion

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"Kronika! We're ready to assemble our army in the Netherrealm. Shinnok's head is powering our throne, just as you predicted," R. Liu Kang reported, his voice echoing through the dimly lit chamber.

"Excellent! With both of you harnessing Shinnok's power, no one can stand against you, and our army will be unstoppable," Kronika declared with a wicked grin, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Yes, Kronika. We're heading back now to store Shinnok's power," R. Liu Kang said as he and his princess, Kitana, turned to leave the ominous chamber, their footsteps echoing against the cold stone floor.

"Now, Alteans, I have a mission for you," Limn announced, stepping forward with an air of authority. The Alteans, intrigued by the prospect of a new mission, gathered around eagerly.

"Tch! What kind of mission?" a male Altean inquired, his voice tinged with skepticism.

"This mission is tied to seeking revenge against Lotor," Limn explained, his eyes narrowing with determination as he outlined the plan.

"What is it, Limn?" a female Altean asked, her curiosity piqued by the mention of revenge.

"They have lost their lions, which form Voltron, and also lost Atlas. This leaves them defenseless, lacking the power to protect themselves, except for the green lion," Limn revealed, a devious smile spreading across his face.

"They'll be going after their lions, and your mission is to destroy these lions and prevent the Paladins from reclaiming them, even Atlas," Kronika added, her voice dripping with malice as she emphasized the importance of their task.

The Alteans nodded, their faces set with determination as they prepared for their mission. "This plan seems solid," Limn smirked, a glint of excitement in his eyes.

"Indeed, we just need some power and to strategize for the future," Kronika said, her gaze fixed on the Alteans with a mixture of approval and anticipation.

"Until then, the guardians will be vanquished!" Limn exclaimed triumphantly, as Kronika smiled wickedly and nodded in agreement.


Once the guardian members and their allies finished tidying up their base, they took a well-deserved break in the lounge. As they lounged around, they began to share stories about their worlds, lives, powers, and experiences.

"Okay... Some of your stories are quite intense," Kade remarked with a whistle, clearly impressed but also slightly intimidated by the tales he had heard.

Dani playfully elbowed him, causing Kade to wince in pain. "I know, Kade, but that's just the reality of our worlds," she chided him gently, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"But still... a war. It's unfair for students like you to experience that," Dani frowned, her expression clouded with sympathy as she glanced at Jakounang and the others.

"It's fine! We're alive and well. Plus, we've upgraded our Quirks and received our Guardian Wishes," Jakounang reassured her, a note of pride in his voice as he spoke of their accomplishments.

"Not only us have been through war," Rosy chimed in, her gaze drifting towards the kids with Autobots. "But those kids are in the middle of a war too."

"Well... We somehow got involved in a war without any clear purpose," Jack admitted with a shrug, his expression reflecting a mixture of confusion and resignation.

"But I know they always protect and save us," he continued, his tone filled with quiet admiration and gratitude for his newfound allies.

"He's right. But you kids have also helped us," Optimus Prime interjected, his deep voice resonating with warmth and appreciation as he addressed the group.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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