Episode 2: Find Your Friends & Base

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After having a battle against them, they found a much space to get rest. Soon, they introduced themselves and explain their world.

Mugiwara Crew lost some of their members, Chopper, Brook, and Tashigi. Yoshi, Buck, Sylvie, TK, and Travis can't find their friends, either. Team Voltron also lost Atlas Crew and Blade of Marmora members.

Then, Genso told them about Palkia and Dialga warning about the multiverse in danger. Class A was quite shocked, didn't know that One Piece's World also had Pokemon, too.

Not to mention, Genso also told them to find the guardian and achieve them, that they are able to defeat the evil who brings harm to multiverse and timelines.

Class A told them about their trial to achieve the guardian trial. The others were shocked and their jaw dropped.

"Okay! Your world and your story are messed up!" Buck exclaimed. "Can't blame you, after all, we've been through harsh," Rosy shrugged.

"I honestly can't believe that you guys had to join the war when you guys were still students!" Ratchet said.

"Even though you guys have special Quirk, and yet, the war was tied!? Unbelievable!" Ahsoka shook her head. "I know, Ahsoka, but that was a tough battle," Yaoyorozu said.

"Even almost lost pro heroes and our teacher," Mina looked down. "Oh..." Ahsoka gives a look of sympathy. "But they're alive and well! Thanks to him!" Mina exclaimed.

"That's quite a story, yet, I never thought that you were able to complete your guardian trial and use your guardian wishes, to revive the others." Obi-Wan puts a hand on his chin.

"And soon, all of you already completed your guardian trial, which obtain your guardian wish!" Pidge continued sentence. "Then, we just need to be ready for the final war," Jesse said.

"In the middle of final war, we almost lost to them, but I realized something about their guardian trial. It's about believing. When I make a speech about believe in us and feeling hope, the citizens and others started to believe in us," Jakounang explained.

"We all got power up! Also, Jojo got a new element and transformation!" Hagakure exclaimed. "That was the best manly!" Kirishima fist bumps himself.

"That's really quite interesting your adventure," Optimus Prime said. "Beep, beep, beep! (Agreed, but I'm glad you won the final war!)" Bumblebee beeping.

"Oi! The hell are you beeping!!" Bakugou snarled. Bumblebee beeping and waves his hands in defensive.

"Kacchan! Calm down!" Midoriya said. "Don't tell me to calm down!" Bakugo screamed. Jakounang sighed, he jabbed his back neck, causing him unconscious before it's getting too far.

"Don't worry about him, he's just unconscious, also sorry about him, he has a short temper," Jakounang reassured.

"Is that really normal?!" Jack asked. "Yes!" Class A unison, as the others sweat drop. "Okay! Moving on! So you guys had an enemy called Junko Enoshima who can share despair with someone?" Jack asked.

"That's correct, she loves making a Danganronpa..." Yoshi shook his head. "I'm sorry, Danganronpa?" Lance asked. "It's a killing game," Yoshi answered, then the others widen their eyes, frozen instant, and watch them in horror.

"W-what?!" Hunk shocked. "Trust me, we were also shocked when we learn about their tragedy Danganronpa," Sylvie said.

"Even he was forced to play Danganronpa," Buck pointed at Yoshi. "Is it really true?" Izumi asked. "Yeah, luckily it was a simulation, so we're all alive, but Junko is still out there alive," Yoshi said.

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