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"Here, sit next to me!" Nezuko says, pulling me next to her.

"Sorry, my brother was acting weird; he usually isn't like that," Nezuko says, putting a hand on my shoulder.

All I can do is give her a nervous smile.

"So..! Would you like to sit with me and my friends at lunch?" She asks me.

"O-oh! That would be great!" I say, smiling happily.

Maybe my mom was right. Moving here wasn't going to be so bad. (Until you meet the kizuki.)

"Yay, I'm so excited for you to meet my friends!" She says it happily.

"It's a nice friend group! There is Zenitsu; he's kind of a pervert, but not really! Then we have Inosuke; he'll try to fight you, but don't worry! Then we have Aoi, who is the mom of the group. Then we have Kanao; she doesn't really talk and is really shy, but she's super nice. Then there's Genya; he's mean at first. Nezuko says. "Oh, and you already met my brother!"

I stare at her blankly. "That's a really big friend group!" I say, not knowing what else to tell her.

"Yeah! You'll get used to them in time!" She says

The rest of the bus ride was us talking and laughing.

Tanjiro POV

Oh my god! What was I thinking? I'm so stupid!' I say, hitting my head against the palm of my hand.

I was a red-faced, blushing mess. Sure! ' She was really pretty, but-'

My thoughts were interrupted by the girl tapping my head.

"H-hey!" I say it nervously.

"Hi! I have a question," she said.

"Sure! What's up" I fidget with the cuff of my sleeve.

"I was looking at my schedule, and my homeroom is 1-A. Nezuko told me you have the same homeroom, so can you walk me there?" She's asked me

'Did she just ask me to walk her to her homeroom? YES!'

"Oh yeah, sure, I'll walk you there!"

"Also, can I get your number?" She asks me.

"W- sure!" I am giving her my phone so she can enter her number.

"Thanks," she says, smiling before going back to her seat.

'Did she just ask me for my phone number?!" YESS!'
Soon the bus arrived at the school. It was really big.

It has four floors and a roof where you can eat. It looked like a modern home, but it was a school.

"Come on, we're here!" Nezuko said, grabbing the girl's head and pulling her into the school.

"I have to go to my locker, so I'll see you later."

"See you later!" I looked up to see a blonde male with long hair.

"My apologies!" I say

"It's alright, dear," the man said.

I smile at him awkwardly and try to walk away, but the man grabs my wrist."

"I don't think we had a proper introduction," the man said. "My name is Douma. What about you?"

"My name is Y/N." She says.

"My, what a pretty name!" Douma says. Before he can say anything else, he gets put into a headlock by someone with pink hair and blue tattoos all over his body.

"Akaza, let me go!" Douma whines.

I giggle at the two. They look like they have an older, younger sibling relationship.

"Sorry about him. My name is Akaza," the man says, shaking my hand.

"My name is Y/N," she says.

"I should go to my locker. I don't want to be late! Nice meeting you two!" She says this before running to her locker.
Douma POV

'That girl was so pretty!' I think to myself. 'She's probably one of the prettiest girls in the school!'

"Akaza~! Why did you ruin my shot??"I say, breaking free of his grasp.

"What shot?" He says it coldly. "You think you had a shot with her?"

"Yes~!" I say, stomping my feet and pouting.

"Oh my bad, I thought you were gay." He says.

"WHY?!" I scream at him.

"Because you act like it."

"I do not!"

Before we can continue our bickering, the bell rings, and we all have to go to our rooms.

Hopefully, I get to see that pretty girl again~


Continued on my new account. Irris_fanficsssWhere stories live. Discover now