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⚠️ swearing, slight nsfw?⚠️
As she got her stuff from her locker she was greeted by Tanjiro.

"Hey Y/N! Come I'll walk you to homeroom!" He said grabbing her hand and leading her to their home room.

As the two walked there she saw a few people staring at her but she didn't mind. She didn't know why but she just ignored them.
Tanjiro POV

'God her hands are soft... I wonder how her cheeks fe- SHUT UP!' I think to myself.

I shouldn't be feeling or thinking these things. It was inappropriate and unacceptable! I just met her.. what if she found out I was thinking these things? God that would be weird..

My thoughts were soon interrupted by her speaking to me.

"Are we almost there?"

"Yup! We just need to go up one more flight- oof!"

"Oh sorry I didn't mean t-"

"HEY! Watch where you fucking going or else I swear to god I'll beat the living shit out of you!"

"HEY! Watch where you fucking going or else I swear I'll beat the living shit out of you!" I heard a male with white hair say. He had a few scars on his face and arms and had purple eyes.

He looked pissed at Tanjiro and it looked like he was about to throw hands or push him down the stairs.

I slowly peek behind Tanjiros back making eye contact with the man. (Zoo wee mama)
Sanemi POV

I made eye contact with a H/C E/C girl. She looked pretty... she also looked scared.

"Well?! What do you have to say for yourself?!" I scream at Tanjiro.

"I'm sorry! I'm very sorry!" The boy screams before running off with the girl.


I start to walk down the stairs but for some reason, I can't get that girl off of my mind.

'She looked pretty I guess... but she looked scared.. maybe I scared her? I'll try to talk to her later if I see her- NO! What the fuck.. that's disgusting she was pretty ugly anyways.' I think to myself.

I go into my homeroom and see Kyojuro smiling at me as Obanai tries to finish his work.

"Hey," Obanai says as I sit down.

"Hello!" Kyojuro says in his usual enthusiastic voice.

"Sup," I say sitting down

The rest of the class was silent except for Kyojuro talking from time to time.

"Cat got your tongue sanemi?" Kyojuro asks me

"What the hell do you mean?"

"You seem to be deep in thought my friend!"

"I would have to agree sanemi..." Obanai Said joining the conversation.

"Well, I'm not."

"If you say so Sanemi!" Kyojuro said.


'I'm not deep in thought! That Kyojuro is weird' I think.

"FIGHT ME!" A guy with long black hair and blue end says. He said chasing a blonde guy who looked terrified.


Me and I just stare at them awkwardly until they realize us.

"Oi! Gonachiparo! Whose this woman?!" The man with blue ends asks.

"Oh that's Y/N she's new here! I was walking her to homeroom!" Tanjiro says to the guy.

"Oooo~! Such a pretty lady~!" The blonde kid says.

"Thank you?" I say.

"Come! Sit next to me!" The blonde kid says dragging me to the seer next to him. "My name is Zenitsu and that one's name is Inoskue...."

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN THAT ONE?!" Inoskue says jumping into zenitsu.
Zenitsu POV

"GET OFF OF ME!" I screamed trying to kick Inoskue Away as Y/N watched us.

She looked pretty confused but also cute!

As soon as I got Inosuke to sit down the teacher came and I couldn't even get the chance to talk to her.

Everyone sat down and waited for the teacher to take attendance so we could be dismissed to our first period.

When everyone was dismissed I went up to Y/N.

"So what's your next period?" I ask her

"Oh I have math," she says.

"Oh, so you share it with Tanjiro and Inosuke! Come on I'll walk you there!" I say grabbing her hand and leading her to her class.

When we got there we exchanged a few more words before she had to go in.
Tanjiro POV

I was talking to Inosuke until I saw Y/N renter the room and looked around until she spotted us.

"Y/N! Come sit next to us!" I say waving my hand.

She walks over and sits in an empty seat.

"Hey, tanjiro and inosuke!" She says.

"FIGHT ME M/N!" Inoskue says jumping out of his seat and trying to jump on top of the poor girl. (a/n: M/N=mispronounced name)

I hold Inoskue back before he can do anything else.

"Inosuke calm down your going to get in trouble!" I say trying to hold him.

"LET ME GO!" He screams trying to kick away.

I try to get a good look at Y/N as she just sits there awkwardly staring at Inosuke.

Before Inosuke can do anything else we hear the teacher coming down the hallway and everyone goes into their seats.

"I hate math class..." I say as I put my head down on my desk.

Continued on my new account. Irris_fanficsssWhere stories live. Discover now