Chapter 209: Don't Corrupt Her

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Rosè Yang heaved an exhausted sigh at the bickering children on either side of her. She turned to Lalisa Park and said, "Lisa, the desserts are all on one table. We can go there together."

Then, she turned towards Park Jimin and asked, "Are you wearing the cuff links?"

Park Jimin readily nodded his head, proudly showing it to her. "The red diamond is a darker color of red, but we're still matching."

Rosè Yang was amused by his words. The rare red diamond's hue was practically black in contrast to her blazing red.

Only this lovestruck fool would think they were matching.

She brushed a stray hair that fell out of his slicked black hair and reminded him, "Don't wear it everyday."

"I know. I still have the box you gifted me a while back."

Rosè Yang finally remembered their little inside joke — the gift war. She had no clue who was in the lead now.

Lalisa Park saw Park Jimin had received a gift and frowned, her bottom lip sticking out in the process. "Rosie, where's my gift?"

"At home. I'll give it to you when we have a girls' night." Rosè Yang lied, making a note to buy a gift for Lisa.

"Really? What is it?"

Rosè Yang smiled, pinching her cheek. "You'll find out when you receive it."

"Don't waste money on Lisa, she doesn't need gifts." Park Jimin lazily drawled out, resting the side of his forehead on his propped up arm. He could see Rose Yang 's face perfectly from this angle.

Lalisa Park gasped at this. "And you don't need them anymore than I do!"

"I do."


"Don't make me repeat myself."

Lalisa Park glowered at her brother, having a strong urge to hit him with her clutch, however, she did not dare to, for courting death from her brother was not the wisest decision. She sulked to herself, crossing her arms.

Rosè Yang felt a pair of eyes boring a hole into the back of her head, but she did not look around. She had a feeling it was either Kang Seulgi, Elder Park, or her grandfather. But little did she know that it was someone else...

"Come now, let's go get some desserts." Rosè Yang said when her stomach grumbled a bit.

Lalisa Park hurriedly nodded, grabbing Rose Yang's arm before Park Jimin could place a finger on her. This greatly displeased him. A malicious shadow covered his eyes when he stood up, reaching over to snatch her back, but then Rosè Yang detached herself from the both of them.

"Children, please be civilized." She chided, walking off without them and heading straight to the macarons with the Park siblings hot on her trail.

She jumped when they pushed past her only to realize they were speed walking straight to the macaron tower, Park Jimin reaching there first because of his long legs. He shoved Lalisa Park away with his shoulder and turned to his woman, a triumphant smirk on his face.

Rosè Yang shook her head. Is it really that fun to bully your younger sister? At the thought of her own little sister, Rosè Yang felt a pang of pain in her chest. She did not want to dwell on Yang Yuna anymore.

"Stop bullying Lisa."

Lalisa Park smirked inwardly. Hmph, take that Park Jimin!

"She's small and prone to getting hurt." Rosè Yang added on, to make sure she was not taking any sides.

It was Park Jimin's turn to smirk at the subtle insult.

Lalisa Park's haughty smirk dropped, a small pout on her face. "I am not small, Rosie, we're of the same height!" She whined, instantly looping her arm around Rose Yang's lower arms, clinging onto her the same way she always did. It was a habit of hers to do this. Ever since they were children, Lalisa Park would constantly either hold hands or have her arm around Rose Yang's.

"But you're very prone to getting hurt." Rosè Yang stood firm on her words, grabbing the plate that Park Jimin gave her. She was pleasantly surprised to see he had selected her favorite flavors of salted caramel and white chocolate mocha.

"Thank you," She warmly smiled at him, biting into the delicious finger food, nearly moaning at how good it was.

Park Jimin was originally irked to see she was giving his annoying little sister her attention, but after receiving that award-winning smile from her, he felt his temper settle down.

He reached over and ran his thumb over the corners of her mouth, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You have crumbs there."

He was about to lick his fingers, but Rosè Yang grabbed his hand and wiped it with a napkin while her cheek became heated.

"There's a child here, don't corrupt her." She muttered, gingerly continuing to wipe his hand.

Lalisa Park huffed, feeling like a child stuck between her parents who showed too much PDA [1].

"I'm not a child." She argued.

"Then stop acting like one." Park Daniel said from behind her, giving her head a firm pat with a teasing smile on his face.

He decided to come to the couple after he was abandoned at the table where his parents began to lecture him about his playboy behavior. He ran away and sought refuge with the trio.

Many people were enviously glaring at Rosè Yang who was surrounded by all of the Park siblings, particularly the women who were badmouthing her earlier. They were now burning with bitter jealousy. Anyone would die just to spend a few minutes with any of the children of the Park clan, but here she was receiving their attention without trying.

There was also a handful of people that greatly admired her. She was able to keep the Demon King in check while soothing Laisa Park's childish behavior. She handled the two of them very well.

Park Hwan had been staring at her for an eternity now, ever since his delightful granddaughter ran towards the woman. He already knew the two had a very close relationship, for he had personally witnessed it when they were simply children. He was glad she did not remember him.

Rosè Yang.

It was a tainted name, one that was ruined and tarnished by her own foolishness and horrible behavior. Seeing her now, he realized she had drastically changed. His sources told him it was because she enrolled in the military, only to abruptly leave because of her grandfather's request.

His lips curved into a cunning smile. His fool of a grandson did not know the real reason why she practically fled from the base. Even as she stood now, surrounded by the few grandchildren he deeply cared for, she did not know the General was still looking for her...

[2] Mr. Tycoon's Woman Where stories live. Discover now