Chapter 302: Kookoo

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"He doesn't remember me though..." Yang Yuna muttered to herself, deciding to change the topic. "A-at my birthday banquet... I was looking for him ever since I saw him come in." She dropped her head, her eyes welting up at the memories.

The birthday gift she requested from her parents was to have Park Jimin present. He was invited many times and each time, he did not reply. But to her surprise, he actually showed up, walking into the room with the presence and appearance that would put a Prince Charming to shame.

In that moment, she felt her entire world brighten. She had never felt happier at that moment, for it was the first time he personally came to one of her events. "I wanted to cry tears of happiness when he attended... So imagine my surprise and pain when he went straight towards Rose Yang!" Her nails dug into her palm at the horrific memory.

"The entire night, ever since he disappeared with my pathetic and a sorry excuse for a sister in tow, I was looking for him..."

Chou Tzuyu kept her mouth clamped shut. She knew exactly where Park Jimin was, for she was there to personally witness him walk after Rosè Yang, who did not spare her any time of the day. She could've easily reported back to Yang Yuna where Park Jimin was. However, she did not.

Yang Yuna hiccupped, angrily rubbing her eyes when she felt it become moistened with unshed tears. "I-I'm sorry for ranting so much tonight. I didn't mean to, but I was just so angry because of tonight."

Without warning, she pulled Chou Tzuyu into a tight hug. "Thank you so much, Tzuyu, for inviting me here tonight to get my mind off of the problems going on at home... It really means a lot to me." Her voice became a bit quieter. She was seizing control of her emotions that were all over the place. She didn't know why she wanted to rant so much tonight, but seeing her older sister's face for the first time in a while, all of the bottled-up anger just came out.

Chou Tzuyu's face softened, genuinely worrying for her good friend. Yang Yuna was the only woman in the enormous socialite group who was loyal to her. She knew it was because she invited the young woman into the circle and exposed her to the high society and because of this, the stupid girl was too grateful beyond words. Whatever the reason was, loyalty was loyalty, and in such a tough society, it was a valued trait.

"No need to thank me, I am only doing what a friend should." Chou Tzuyu gently said, giving Yang Yuna a small pat on the back. She expertly rubbed the area after perfecting the concept of comforting a person.

She used to comfort her crying mother a lot in the past because of her drunkard of a dad that had left them. Thinking of the days she spent in that shack, her lips curled up in disgust. If only her mother was more hardworking, perhaps they could have afforded a decent place! Chou Tzuyu most certainly did not miss the days in the past when she had to juggle three part-time jobs just to provide a sufficient living environment.

She could not thank the heavens more for the day she accidentally spilled coffee on Jeong Jaehyun. Because of such a stupid incident, she was able to land herself one of the most powerful men in this country. She was displeased at how hard it was to acquire him, especially with the horrendous Rose Yang attempting to take back her fiance.

Thinking about that vengeful woman, Chou Tzuyu's mood soured. She will not forget the humiliation that took place at the Kim Banquet and the insults thrown at her friend, Sung Hana. Speaking of the model, she had not seen her in a while now... Well, no matter what happens to her, Chou Tzuyu finally got her revenge. An eye for an eye.

Rosè Yang's throat ran dry. Originally, she was overwhelmed with anger that her sister dared to badmouth her like this. She even thought about storming in to discipline her, but after hearing the confession, she did not know how to react. Yang Yuna was in love with Park Jimin? But why? She did remember a moment in the past when her younger sister would happily talk about some older boy she met, but she could not place a finger on how they met. Something about a garden...?

Rosè Yang left without a word. She did not feel remorse or regret towards her younger sister. 'I took Park Jimin from her? What a joke!' She scoffed to herself. Park Jimin belonged to no one, for no woman in this world would be able to control a man like him.

It was strange though. She wondered what Yang Yuna meant when she said Park Jimin did not remember her. Did something happen in the past?

In the end, she shrugged it off because it did not concern her. She wondered what type of relationship she would have with Park Jimin if she met him sooner, perhaps when they were children. She always met up with Lalisa Park a lot, but never visited the Park Mansion due to an unexplainable fear towards that place.

- - - - -

Rosè Yang was glad that Seoul was still lively, even though it was night time. There were neon lights still glowing brightly on the top of buildings, amazing LED shows on billboards, and many shops were still open. Cars whizzed by and the concrete floor had warm and cold hues, depending on where she stepped. The street was bustling with life and because of that, she was able to relax and walk down the streets. She knew her bodyguards were watching her from a small distance. It had always been this way and she preferred if it stayed that way.

Following the guide on her phone, Rosè Yang reached RY in exactly ten minutes. She hoped Jeon Jungkook had gone home by now. She debated whether or not to check upon him. Sending him a quick text about his whereabouts, she made her way to the back of the building, boarded a discreet elevator and went down to the private parking lot where a single, locked car was parked.

[Boss: What time did you get off of work today?]

[Kookoo the Workaholic: I haven't left the building yet.]

Rosè Yang gasped as she checked the time. It was almost ten at night now! If this continued, she might get reported for abusing her employees!

[Boss: Are you crazy?! Go home right this instant! I made a new rule for you: if you stay in the office past seven, I will deduct your income.]

Jeon Jungkook shut down his laptop and took off the thin-framed glasses, setting it back into the case. He placed everything in his briefcase. Once done, he picked up his phone and replied to his boss.

[Kookoo The Workaholic: I was packing up and getting ready to go home. There is a lot of work that needs to be done. Leaving before seven will cause a problem.]

Rosè Yang paused walking mid-way to narrow her eyes. This stubborn child!

[Boss: You are going to overwork yourself at this rate. We do not need to be three days ahead if it means you have to work this hard! Do you know I barely have anything to do in the office, aside from attending meetings, because you keep on stealing my work?!]

[Kookoo The Workaholic: Actually, we are five days ahead. I just finished the work for the weekend.]

Jeon Jungkook grabbed his coat and made his way to the elevator. Not a single light was turned on in the cubicles and except for the janitors and security guards, there was no one left in the building.

[Boss: Ugh! You're unbelievable. I know it takes you thirty minutes to get home. I'll give you thirty-five minutes to take a selfie in your living room holding up four fingers.]

Jeon Jungkook's lips twitched.

[Kookoo The Workaholic: You nag more than my mother.]

Rosè Yang's lips quirked into a smile as she walked to her car with her head tucked down.

[Boss: Aw thanks, you flatter me~]

She absentmindedly opened her car door and got in without using the keys. She closed the door shut and locked it, waiting for his next reply.

[Kookoo The Workaholic: It's not something to be proud of.]

Rosè Yang let out a quiet laugh and shook her head. She had every right to be proud, it felt nice being an older sister to someone!

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