Chapter 220: My Future Wife

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"This woman of yours, what do you see her as?" Park Hwan tilted his head, his face feigning a look of serenity.

Park Jimin knew that the discussion would dive straight into this topic. "My future wife." He effortlessly replied.

At his words, Park Hwan raised a brow, highly intrigued that his grandson had thought so far into their future. The two had never discussed the topic of marriage together, though there were talks about why he had remained single for so long. The reason Park Jimin always gave was that he did not need a distraction in his life, but it seems this grandson of his was a hypocrite.

Park Hwan's sources had reported to him that it was Park Jimin himself who did the chasing. Park Jimin declared he did not want a girlfriend, for it was too much of a distraction, but he ended up running after the very thing.


"The purpose of dating is to get married."

Park Hwan loudly laughed at his direct words, the sound echoing off of the walls. "Indeed it is, but I'm sure you know that is not the answer I am looking for."


"What good do you see in that woman?"

Park Jimin's face remained nonchalant. "Everything."

Park Hwan's smiling face twisted into a slight sneer. "You're smitten by her." What a disdainful behavior. It completely contradicted his beliefs and ideals. It went against the very foundations he had groomed Park Jimin to have.

"There is nothing wrong with that." Park Jimin lazily replied, "It has never interfered with my work before."

"I suppose all the days where you've skipped your morning meetings and changed your schedules weren't caused by her." Park Hwan sarcastically drawled out, his brooding eyes landing upon his grandson.

"I've spent my entire life being a workaholic. Sleeping longer every now and then should not be a problem."

"Hm, I suppose so." Park Hwan feigned understanding. "It wouldn't have been a problem if you didn't do so just to entertain a woman."

The walls have ears.

Park Jimin concluded that there was a spy amongst his men and he already had an inkling of who the mole was. It seemed he would be calling forth an exterminator in the form of So Renjun.

"I've taught you so many things and all of it has seemed to go to waste in just the blink of an eye." Park Hwan's lips tilted down in disdain. His ruthless face was one that would send people to their knees begging for mercy, but it did not affect Park Jimin. Not even as the atmosphere turned deadly and the wails of the people his grandfather had slaughtered could be heard in the distance.

Park Jimin never faltered, even when staring into the eyes of hell. He stood there, broodingly tall, arrogant, nonchalant, and everything chaotically evil. "You taught me how to be a weapon, such skills have not gone to waste."

Park Hwan had enough of the small talk. "Do you love Rosè Yang?"

There it was.

The deciding question that would seal the fate of Rosè Yang.

The answer was at the tip of Park Jimin's tongue. It was a definite yes.

The idea of love used to be very foreign to him, something he did not know his heart was capable of feeling. It was not until she tumbled into his life eighteen years ago that he even fathomed such a crazy idea; until she was ruefully snatched from his clutches, and from thereon, he forgot about the emotion.

But then she came back, in the same surprising manner as she had done in the past, roughly entering his life without permission. She always found herself in a comfortable spot within his heart of stone, drilling through the walls he set up and using the rubble to build herself a small house within it.

Park Jimin wanted to proclaim his love for her in every form and language possible, until her heart was his, just as his was hers.

He could not lose her again. He had done it once and a second time would truly ruin him for good.

"Never." Park Jimin decided to utter the lie that would hurt her heart, but keep her safe. It pained him to even say such a foolish thing. He felt pain within his heart like a dagger was being twisted into it, digging deeper and deeper.

Park Hwan was silent for what seemed like an eternity. He observed Park Jimin, thunder crackling in the background as neither man broke their stares.

"Why should I believe you?"

"Have I ever lied to you?"


Park Hwan was sure of it himself. This boy, regardless of his age, even if he was nine or ninety years old, the only thing he would fear in this world would be his grandfather.

Completely unbeknownst to Park Hwan, Park Jimin was not afraid of him. He had not been for the longest time. The only reason he even entertained the idea was because this man held a very adequate amount of shares within Park Enterprise and still had a hefty influence in the Underworld — something Park Jimin would slowly drain from him.

"Very well then." Park Hwan smiled, revealing the fine wrinkle by his eyes. "If you do not love her, why bother staying with her? Why risk losing a person such as Kang Seulgi just so you can obtain her?"

"She is Yang Marco's granddaughter, is she not?" Park Jimin chuckled, a cunning smile on his face, calculative and filled with deceit. There was greed in his eyes, something he made sure his grandfather saw.

"She has the support of the military, something beneficial to us." Park Jimin took a seat, crossing his one long leg over the other. "She has the perfect qualifications to stand by my side."

"Oh? And what would that be?" Park Hwan already knew what his grandson was going to say.

"She has been trained to become the perfect matriarch, her presence is superb, she can wield a gun and a knife just as good as she can wield a pan." Park Jimin's lip tug into a malicious smile, "Her fortunes are endless. She will benefit our family."

Park Hwan was quiet for a while before a low rumble traveled from his chest to his throat until the room was filled with proud laughter. "That's my boy."

A sly smile lit up Park Hwan's aging face marred with dark spots and wrinkles. "For a second, you had me fooled. I thought you were deeply in love with her." His laugh subdued to small fits of laughter. "If you had intended to use her from the start, you should've consulted me sooner."

"I would've accepted her a lot quicker." Park Hwan added on. He was no fool when it came to seeing which fruit was the sweetest of them all.

In the field of fruit trees, there were only a few fruits that caught his eye and Rosè Yang was one of them. From all of the reports he has received, he came to the conclusion that she would be a formidable candidate, skilled in everything that Kang Seulgi excelled at and even more. This race would've ended as almost a tie if it was not for the fact that Rosè Yang had Yang Marco backing her up along with her military ties.

The Kang's was a loyal family that has served the Park's for many generations and Park Hwan wanted to preserve such traditions, but there were other ways of doing so. He had more than one grandson, more than one grandchild he cherished, and so did the Kang's.

Kang Seulgi does not need to marry Park Jimin, she could marry someone else from the Park's. The only thing those senile fools desire is to have Kang Seulgi be impregnated with a child whose surname would be Park's, but they have never specified which one it had to be.

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