Chapter 359 - Red

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Rosè Yang didn't hear the shuffling outside of the room. She was deeply engrossed in setting up the technical devices for the powerpoint and ensuring everything would run smoothly for the next meeting. Surprisingly, it was with Kim Conglomerate.

She only noticed the changes when the door to the meeting room opened. Multiple pairs of shoes thumped on the ground. Turning around, her eyebrows quirked up. Who were these people? Dressed in homogenous black suits with wires curling up to their ears, she understood they were bodyguards. What were they doing in here? She didn't give them an order.

"What's going on?" Rosè Yang edged closer and closer to the coathanger. None of these men looked familiar.

Then the door slammed shut. Her eyes widened when they simultaneously placed on gas masks. She had to get out of here as soon as possible. These were not Park Jimin's nor her grandfather's men.


Smoke grenades were tossed onto the floor and in five seconds, her instincts kicked in as did the hazy smoke. White clouds soon flooded the room. She barely took one step forward before her vision turned dizzy. Even so, she launched herself at one of the men. She had just enough strength left to grab the pin on the chest pocket of his suit. But right after, she lost all strength and it fell onto the floor, just like her slumped body.

- - - - -

Rosè Yang woke up and found herself tied to a hard mattress. Her eyes stared up and she squeezed it shut when the surgical lighting blinded her. Shifting her head to the side, she tried to see what was going on. In the corner of the room, men and women dressed in white lab gowns were discussing something. On the other side of the room, there were a group of nurses preparing what looked to be pieces of surgical equipment. Why did this give her a strange sense of déjà vu?

"I reckon we should increase the dosage. The one we previously gave to her was suitable because she was a child at the time. Now, she's a grown adult."

"But the first one was heavily monitored by a different boss than the one from today."

"They're extremely close acquaintances. It will be fine."

After a few more moments passed filled indistinct discussions, the doctors finally concluded to increase her dosage.

Rosè Yang opened her mouth, then realized it was duct-taped. Her tongue could taste a ball of something placed into her lips and her eyes widened in horror.

Everything about this place was familiar.

She tried to wriggle in the bed and move her wrists but found they were chained on the bed with ropes and leather belts. This place felt and looked like a mental institution that did unorthodox medical procedures on helpless victims.

"She's awake." A male anesthesiologist said when he noticed her futile attempts to struggle out of her restraints.

He prepared the sedation syringe on the side and began to calculate the appropriate level of anesthesia to give her. Even though she was brought here against her will, they were not inhumane. They had been specifically hired to do this and the large sum of money transferred to their accounts ensured that no harm was to come to her. None of them wanted to force this on her, but it seemed they had no other choice. They didn't have the power to go against their higher-ups.

"The commissioner requested we can only sedate her as a last resort. Start the anesthesia process." One of the female doctors spoke up, tugging her surgical gloves higher up.

At the sound of that, Rosè Yang struggled even more. She tried to scream into the ball-gag. Her voice was muffled and resembled that of a squabbling chicken. The male anesthesiologist wheeled the machine towards her.

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