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"What did you pray for me?" I asked him going towards to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. As he felt my arms was handed by his waist, he turned to my side and looked at my face shyly.

"Because you works with sea. I am afraid to sea. So I always fell afraid about you. Sorry......I know that we were not that close with each others. But I always felt that." He said looking down.

"I am sorry ! " I told him and hugged him tightly. "Thank you for prayed for me."  I said and I felt guilty again because of me. Actually I never prayed or thought  about him even once. Because I didn"t think about this marriage seriously.

I felt he hugged me again and snugged to the chest."  You don"t have to be sorry . I understand. "He was talking still keep snugged on my chest. I patted his head and snugged him more tightly.

"So when did you come back? you didn"t tell me yet."  He asked me and looked at me. So I gave up hugging him and answered looking at the window.

"I came this morning. I didn"t even tell about that even my mom. Sorry again." I said and looked at his face. He was looking at me and smiled.

"No......I understand. Don"t be sorry ........."He said and looking at me. And I did the same. I went towards to him and held his head. I wanted to kiss him. As soon as I held his head , he closed his eyes and held my arm.

I kissed his lips. This is our first kiss. When I kiss him, I felt so fresh feelings inside from me. I slowly put my hands on his waist and went carrying with him towards to the window.

I kissed him more and he was held my neck. But we couldn't continue the moment!

"Oh..... I'm sorry ! " My mom said when she saw we are kissing, closed the door.

"I think it's better if we go to downstairs." He said and trying to go to the living room to meet our parents. He's cheeks were as red as tomatoes.


We did our wedding within this week. That was so hard of us. Because we had to invited so many people. My parents wanted to do our wedding festively. After our ceremony Fourth came with us leaving his family. His parents were cried and him too.

Actually Fourth was the only child of his family. So he's parents couldn't bear about he's leaving. Before we leaving and during the wedding he's mom always said please take care of him and treat him nicely.


After our wedding we finally arrived our home. My mom was really glad about him.

"I'm so happy son. Please get some rest now. I'll tell a maid  bring the dinner to upstairs. Then you two can eat in your room. "My mom said.

"No mom. You don't have to do that. I love to eat with you guys. "Fourth said and smiled.

"Then take a rest you two." My mom said and we went to our room. My room had decorated by maids.

"Whose is this room?" He asked me and I smiled.

"This is for us.... Why are you asking that....." I was talking smiling.

"No.... That's because...... I didn't have a room which is this much big. "He replied to me.

"Aren't you tired Fourth?" I asked him and he nodded. "Then we can eat and go to sleep....."

When we eating with our family members, my dad had with us too.

"So Fourth son ! Welcome to our family. "My dad told to him and Fourth greeted to my dad.

"So Gemini, you said that you have to go after this week. isn't it?.." Dad asked.

"Yeah... Dad... I have to go."

"Are you going with him? "My mom asked me and my dad looked at me too.

"Nope dad. I didn't think about it yet. I don't think that is a good idea....." My mom cut my words.

"How could you say that Gemini ! He's your wife now. He had been a fiancé since more than a year. You won't come home if you go back to work. I know that well. Why can't you think about a family of yours. "My mom said bit angrily.

Fourth was shocked about our conversation. He was looking down and hearing everything.

"Mom!"  I tried to explain.

"Gemini ! I want to know about your opinion about this. "Dad asked me.

"Okay. I am going with him, if he like it. And don't think about I am not thinking a family. "I said calmly and looked at my parents.

"I'm sorry Gemini. I didn't mean that. But when your dad got married me, I went with him. I scared about sea. But I got used to it later."

"I know that Fourth is scared about sea. But you will be okay with it after son. "My mom told us.

After our conversation I decided to take Fourth with me. My mom has decided give a maid for Fourth. Because my mom always care about she's son in law. That maid was a middle of age woman who call Sally. She was very kind to Fourth.


Foruth couldn't bear the sea sick during the first weeks. But he got used for that slowly.

"How you feel now? Still dizzy?" I asked him, when I opening our room's door to entering the room. Because It was late to sleep. But Fourth awakes until I come to sleep.

"Not so bad......Gemini. How was your day." He asked me.

"Not bad. But today is a long day. Isn't it?"  I asked him and he smiled.

After I finished bath I went to bed. Fourth was still awake and he was reading a book.

"What is it? A novel?"  I asked him and he smiled again.

"Kind of thing. But you don't have to know about it."

"Why....... I want to know too..... What is it...... I tried to take the book from him." But he was against and smiling. After bit tickles I finally got that book and I was shocked when I saw it !


Thank you for reading this story 😂 English is not my first language. So if there were any wrongs forgive me😇. Have a nice day. 😇❤️

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