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"From where did you find this? ' I asked him with curious.

'I went to the downstairs of ship today with sally. So there were lot of trunk boxes. I was curious about them and looked into those. Then I found this.'

'I was read this since in the morning. I'm in the last pages now.' Fourth was kept saying.

"Did you read it all?" I asked and looked down. Because I couldn't look at him.

"But Gemini.... Who is that girl?..... "He asked me while taking the book from my hand.

"Why did you read that.'  I asked him again and he was smiled.

"Why........ You didn't any wrongs. But I'm curious about this girl. It seems you and her loved each other so much."

"Let's sleep Fourth. I'm sleepy." I was trying to sleep. But he wasn"t seems trying to sleep.

"Do you still remind her?  " As I hearing his that words, I couldn't trying to sleep. And he said that words with worriedly. He didn't show me that. But I could feel it.

"No........I am not remind her. why would I remind her ?" I asked him holding his hands.

"But you have prayed for her and planed your whole life with her. "He was talked smiling.

"Okay...... listen Fourth. That is past of mine. I loved her so much with my whole heart. But now I am not ! "

"I want to hear your story !"  He asked me and I looked at him. After bit later I started to talk about my whole story to him.

"Okay.........Those days were my first time being a captain of a ship. But I am not the captain. I went with my dad. Because my dad wanted to teach how we manage a ship. But I was bored since I came to the ship and working with it. But when we passing a country there were a family who asked help from us. They asked us please leave them near to Italy and my dad was agreed with them. Somehow that family lived with us more than sixth months."

"There were only mother ,father and that girl in that family. I didn"t like that girl before. But I started like her somehow! '

"They lived with us until sixth months. So me and her were so close with each other and no one couldn't stopped our relationship. Even my dad."

"My dad told me to stop that and we always argued about that. But his family was okay about our relationship and they told me to come with them.'

"So did you go with them?"  Fourth asked me a curiously mood.

"Actually I have decided to do that. We planned to move when the ship arrived Italy. But I couldn't go."

"Oh why is that? "He asked again. Actually he was so interested more about this.

"My dad didn't let me ! " I said looking at his curiously face.

"I'm sorry then Gemini." He said sadly and that was made me surprised.

"Why are you saying sorry about that?" 

'Can I ask you something Gemini?........ "   "Yeah.... Sure..... What is it?... " I said.

"Is that my fault?...... I mean did you break up with that girl, because of me !"  He asked me looking down.

"Hey..... It's not your fault !"  I was saying to him lifted his face at me.

"But I feel sad for you. You loved her but you two couldn't live together ! That's sad Gemini !" 

"But I haven't finished the story yet.  Actually I couldn't go with them because my dad found some cheated things who have they done !"

"Chested things........???"

"Yeah..... My dad has found those before the day we have planned to run away. I didn't believe my dad at that time. So he told me if he telling me lies then go and see still they in our ship !. So when I went I only could to seen that they hadn't in the ship. They have left without me and robbed our things."

"I'm sorry Gemini........ "He held my hand.

"And she cheated on me. She didn't love me even I did. You are right Fourth. We have planned our future together. But that's all were ruined."

'Sorry Ge...... " When he started to say sorry again I closed his mouth by my palm.

"Enough ! Can't you stop saying that. Are you stupid? " I asked him still closing his mouth.

"I don't know Gemini. I felt sad about that story......You have prayed for her and loved her so much...."

"She cheated on me Fourth ! I cut his words. I was wrong. I didn"t get the wrong decision."

"Don"t say like that Gemini ! how we know if their parents take her with them forcely......."

"What"s wrong with you Fourth ! Its all past and If I were with her how would I found you."  I grabbed his cheeks and touch them slowly.

"But we married because its was an arranged marriage. we didn"t even know each others before and you know what I am trying to say.............I mean if you loved someone and marry , then its better. "He said while pretending a fake smile.

Actually I was wrong again. It was true that I was cared about her. But I didn't do anything for Fourth. I didn"t even think about him. I didn"t talk with him. That all were my fault. But I don"t know , the day we went to his home and seeing him , I loved him and wanted to do love him.

"No.....I have to thank my mother for my whole life. Because if she hadn't chosen you I would never have had you." I was telling him while put my arm around his waist pulling him got close to me. He put his face on my chest. we stayed like that for a moment then we went to sleep.


The next day was a calm day and we were able to reach Italy. we had to stopped the ship there Because we have to deliver the items which are we must give to delivered some ports of Italy. 

Fourth was talking with his maid Sally. They were laughing. seeing that I was happy too.  " What are you two doing?"  I asked them while walking near to them.

"Excuse me Sir !"   Sally said and left us alone. " Oh......nothing Gemini. we are just talking. " he was saying while making his hair which are going to wind.

"So......." I was slowly got close to him and making his hair which is going to wind slowly. then I were get bit close to his face to kiss him. when we were kissing he was smiling.

"Why are you smiling ha........?"  I told him who is still looking down and smiling.  "Its tickle me when you grow your beard and kissing me. " He was telling me smiling.

'AOO.........Did you forget your husband is a ship captain?" I kissed his lips again and held his neck giving a deep kiss.

"CAPTAIN ! we reached to Italy !'

"I"M COMING ! " I said to that man.

"Are we in Italy now ! "Fourth asked and I nodded. " I never seen Italy before."

"Then let"s go to the city. we have to stay here bit days somehow." I said to him and he nodded while smiling.


While I had working I told to Sally take Fourth to the accommodation which is I prepared. when I came to the accommodation it was bid late. but it wan"t late as midnight and Fourth was still awake.

'Babe....... ' I talked to him closing the door. But he didn"t in the living room. then I heard a sound from the barthhroom. He must be showering. my heart was bumping and bumping. that time I wanted to see he's showering !


Sorry If there were any spelling  mistakes. And sorry for my late. Have nice day !

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