The Goons (Off. Tawog ep)

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[At the living room]

Richard: that's what fictional violence looks like?

[He says to Clark while playing on a 1v1 match against gumball as both of them were sitting on the floor while using the controllers connected to the tv with Richard sitting on the couch beside Darwin]

Clark: [leans behind] uhh yeah, what else do you think? Torturing people through a screen using a controller?

[Clark chuckles at the end of his sentence]

Richard: to be honest, that was what I was thinking, since your mother sometimes gets angry about all the games you're playing, that doesn't look really violent at all

Clark: it is still kind of a violent thing to do, I think you only think of gory stuff whenever you hear the word "violence"

[Gumball then groans by struggling against Clark on the game]

Gumball: stop making my character worn out cla- h-how are you doing that anyway!?

Clark: it's a hax

Gumball: [immediately turns to him] wait, SO YOU'RE CHEATI-

Clark: no I'm not silly, "hax" H-A-X an extremely overpowered ability of a character that you can possess with, yours barely has any so no wonder why you kept losing

Gumball: hey! I'm not that bad of a player!

Clark: didn't you struggle against a bot before?

Gumball: well- uhh--

[He suddenly pauses to see that he already lost the game instantly leaving him flabbergasted]

"Clark wins!"

[Clark gives a short chuckle before turning at gumball and replying]

Clark: you gonna continue what you're saying?

[Gumball was about to respond but pauses and decides not to as he sighs and stands up]

Gumball: when can I ever be better than you..

[He makes his way upstairs going past Anais and Nicole playing a puzzle game in the dining room as anais watches him climb at the steps of the stairs]

Nicole: come on sweetie, one puzzles a thousand pieces of fun!

Anais: mom, can we do something? You know.. not boring?

Nicole: oh, you mean like the 2000 piece puzzle? [grins]

Anais: no, something like that!

[points at Darwin playing on the controller with Clark sitting beside him and Richard still sitting on the couch]

Darwin: woah! You can build stuff while on a battle royal?? Is that a new update??

Clark: uhh.. no, that's literally one of the major parts of the game- oh shoot, look out!

[Scene cuts back to anais and Nicole]

Nicole: I know anais, but don't you think your intelligence doesn't fit for some video games like that?

Anais: well if intelligence means no fun, then I don't wanna be intelligent anymore! [Hops down the chair but comes back]

Anais: by the way those.. [instantly connects all the puzzles] are there! [hops off the chair again and walks away]

[Nicole then gets a camera and takes a photo of the puzzle as a photo comes out from the camera and picks it up and takes a look at it]

Nicole: [whispering tone] nice!

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