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❝𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 the hell is he?! We searched everywhere!❞ Kaede panicked, searching for Y/n along with Shuichi

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❝𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 the hell is he?! We searched everywhere!❞ Kaede panicked, searching for Y/n along with Shuichi.

❝Calm down, Kaede. We still haven't checked the library. Let's go.❞ Shuichi said, making Kaede nod. The two entered the library, a horrible smell filling the air.

❝So, this is the library..❞ Kaede said. ❝There are books all over the place. It doesn't seem organized.❞ Shuichi pointed out before they decided to split and search different parts of the library.

Kaede and Shuichi investigated the bookcases and also looking for Y/n, before noticing a person standing in the corner of the library. She was talking with a certain (H/c) haired male.

❝Y/n! Here you are!❞ Kaede rushed over to the two, Shuichi trailing behind her. ❝Hey, losers! Check this out!❞ Y/n grabbed a random book before opening it and showing the book the Kaede and Shuichi. Kaede slammed the book close, throwing it away.

❝... What's your deal?❞ Y/n glared at Kaede, who was blushing along with Shuichi. Appearantly, it wasn't a very... appropriate book.

❝W-Well, let's forget about that! Hey, are you an ultimate student too?❞ Kaede turned to the long haired girl, changing the topic quickly.

❝Yes. That's right.❞ The brunette girl replied, keeping quiet after that.

❝Um.. I'm Kaede Akamatsu, the Ultimate Pianist.❞ Kaede introduced herself. ❝I'm Shuichi Saihara. The Ultimate detective, I suppose..❞ Shuichi said.

❝Geez.. not 'suppose', you ARE the Ultimate Detective, okay?❞ Kaede told him.

❝Y-Yeah.. You're right.❞ Shuichi replied, blushing in embarrassment. ❝Y/n, aren't you going to introduce yourself?❞ Kaede asked.

❝I already did that while waiting for you slow-pokes.❞ Y/n replied, opening random books in the back.

❝Oh, alright! And what about you?❞ Kaede asked, ignoring Y/n insulting them as she was used to it already.

❝Maki Harukawa.. Ultimate Child Caregiver.❞ Maki introduced herself with no emotion. As the three talked, the (H/c) haired male was busy looking at books.

❝What the hell is this? How to have sex?❞ Y/n blinked, throwing the book away with a shrug, not noticing it landed on Shuichi's face, then his hands.

❝Y/n.. W-What is this?❞ Shuichi asked, blushing. Y/n turned around, seeing the book landed on a very red Shuichi.

❝Umm, don't you see the title, Sherlock? That's what it is.❞ Y/n replied before turning back to exploring the library.

After a while, Kaede was getting pissed off at Maki for saying that she couldn't trust people here so easily. And they walked out of the library, Kaede dragging Y/n with her.

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