while Dream had another crazy dream, George was talking to Quackity and Karl on the cell phone about a plan to get revenge on that piercing lady.
"George, don't you think that's a bit too much?"
"No Karl. Trust me she's not. She deserves much worse than this. This is nothing.
"Okay... but when are we going to do this?"
George took a second to think.
Karl and Quackity were surprised by this statement from George. George was always lazy and would leave everything for later, so this was something completely new.proslo je neko vrijeme i George je ubrzo bio spreman da plan krene. nazvao je Quackitya i Karla da vidi jesu li spremi.
Karl picked up
"Spremni smo."
"Dobro d cu biti tu u trenu"
George je spustio slusalicu i polako izasao kroz vrata da ne probudi Dreama.
Nakon sto je izasao uzeo je svoj bicikl iz garaze i zapedalirao najbrze sto moze prema Quackityu i Karlu.
Karl i Quackity cekali su jos dobrih 10 minuta dok george nije dsao. mislili su se vratiti u kucu dok nisu vidjeli Georgea na biciklu kako pedalira prema njima.
Karl je bio samo gledao u Georgea bez rijeci.
"Dobar mu je bicikl"
"Znam ali...-"
u tom trenu george je dosao do njih i zaustavio se.
"Cekate me kao sto vam je receno vidim.."
"Da George" Karl je zakulutao ocima
"Ovaj.. George..?"
"Da Quackity?"
"sta ce ti biciklo?" upitao je zabrinuto
"s tim ceko brze doci do nje" odgovorio je
"kako znas gdje ona zivi uopce?" Karl je nastavio
"bilo je dosta lagano zapravo"
toplo se nasmijao ali malo psihopatski
"rekla je da je poznata, pa sam je ukucao u instagram. ispalo je da ima miliun fan pages i don't why really.
uglavnom nasao sam je naoon nekog vremena. pa je bilo jednostavno stvarno"
Karl and Quackity su samo stajali izbezumljeni. dok ih jeGeorge ih je nastavljao izluđivat.
"Dobro pa hajde, onda sjedajte"
Quackity laughed
"And where do you mean we sit?"
George showed them the trailer that was almost invisible behind the bike.
it was the size of a baby's crib. that was the only thing he found, so they will have to use it now. that's all they have anyway.
Karl was excited as Quackity let out a loud groan.
"Okay Karl come on..."
Quackiti's face showed that he didn't want to.
he sat down first and then Karl on his lap.
"Are you ready?"
Karl was hyped while Quackity...- didn't answer anything.
"let's go!"
they headed towards Uki's house.
throughout the drive, Karl and Quackity argued over the small space in which they were housed.
"We arrived"
were the painful words that came out of George's mouth. they had stopped in front of an ordinary house.
"This is where she lives?" Karl asked.
"I thought it would be . . . how can I say it..." Quackity searched for a word to describe the entire building as he envisioned it.
"hanging dead. yes."
George and Karl agreed with Quackiti's statement.
"Alright people, less talk. We have to be ready for anything when it happens"
George slowly started walking towards the window of Uka's house.
Quackity looked at him and gave him what he had been carrying with him all this time. George reached out and took the thing from Quackitiy's hands. (rope) He attached the rope to Uka's window and started to climb.
one by one they climbed into what looked like the kitchen.
When they got in it was time for phase 2.
Find where Uki is right now.
They split up and after a bit of searching they found Uki's room where she was sleeping.
she looked very strange. without all that make-up and false eyelashes. she looked like a completely different person. they even worried if they had gone to the wrong house.
Phase 3 has started
Karl handed George a bottle of pink hair dye. George laughed sinisterly before taking it in his hands.
That's what you get when you mess with me and my boyfriend
Then he smoothed her hair with pink hairspray. Uki somehow stayed asleep during the process.
hair dyeing lasted a good 5 minutes.
After they dyed her hair in great detail, they stood back and took in that view.
FanficThis story is about George's, Dream's and Barack Obama's love life. Expect smut Make out scenes. There will be self harm. I'm still working on the story. Sorry for the grammar. It's not my stronger side. I'll probably make more stories. And yeah...