chapter 2

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Hi there so I wanted to know if how was the 1st chapter..i need your comments so that I will know what or how to continue the story...
*Hazel *

Nadine's pov
This is it the 1st day of class in college..well its kinda cool in this school and this school has its goal that we should learn music.and I'm very interested cause I am a singer and dancer when I am in high school.that's why I pick this school.although I don't still have friends in here..
Its our 1st period of this morning..

When I enter the class the teacher is not yet there and I don't have friends yet while looking for a seat..a girl wave her hand trying to catch my attention..
Girl: hey!! Hey!! Over here!!!
Nadine: oh me??
Girl: yes you!!
Then I walk to her
Girl: hi I'm is a seat for you..what's your name.
Nadine: oh hi I'm Nadine well thanks for the seat..
Yasi: well I am finding a friend cause its my first time to study here in Philippines..
Nadine: oh really you pick the right person to be with..its my first time in let's be friends??
Yasi: really I'm glad to be your friend..
Nadine: friends??
Yasi: friends..
After having a new friend..our professor came..
Prof: gud morning guys well I'm professor Peter Antonio and I will be your first period...
All what we do was to introduce ourselves and listen to the professors..
Then its break time and I'm with yasi my friend..and we have 1hour of break today..
So we tell stories about ourselves...and we ate cupcake and a chocolate drink at the canteen..
Me and yasi have the same schedule so we will be together for the whole year..
And we have to go to the computer room..
Yasi: I heard that we have a classmate that is a model..
Nadine: oh really is it a girl or a boy..
Yasi: well he is a boy..but I wonder why we didn't meet him..this morning..
Nadine: maybe he is on a gig today you know models are a little bit busy..
Yasi: maybe..
So another professor came in the room..
Professor:gud morning students.I am professor alex gonzaga and I am a fresh graduate of this school by the way I am just a substitute professor so if professor celestine gonzaga, my sister was at states for something important matter..
So we introduce ourselves again and she's nice the way she speaks and the way she move..and all the boys at the room are starring at her..
While our professor is introducing every part of our period someone came in..and he is familiar to me..
Prof alex: helo mr. Reid and mr. Paras you a are late at your first day of class..
Then they just seat at the vacant seats..and all the girls are staring at them.except me..cause I remembered him..he's the one who bumped me last enrollment..
Then I cought Yasi's eyes staring at mr.Reid.likell love at first sight..or addicted..
Nadine: Yasi are you ok?
Yasi: oh yah I'm ok..Reid and Paras are the model that I was saying but I thought that only one model will be our classmate but they arw two..
Nadine: oh I see but I hate mr.Reid.cause he's the one who bumped me during enrollment then I threw a book to him and it was head shot..then he told me that he will break my neck..the I just run..and left the book..
Yasi: oh so he's pretty scary too..but I think I'm inlove with mr.Reid
Then we just laugh
Nadine: so lets go have our lunch??
Yasi: oh great I'm starving..
Then we went to the cafeteria and we just went to find a table cause there are many people who's still in we decided to wait until there are only few..

James pov
I saw her and she's my classmate I still remember her when we bumped each other..then she threw the book to my head and I scared her..maybe until now she's scared..
Andrey: so James lets go buy our lunch..I'm pretty starving..
James: yah me let's go..
Then we went to the cafeteria..and we saw her and her friend in line..
Andrey: James the girl was so familiar to me..
James: yah she's the one who threw a book into my head.
Andrey: oh so are you planning to scare her??
James: well I don't still have any plans.. come on let's go behind them.
The we went behind them..
Yasi: so Nadine what food are we going to eat..(then she stared James at the back of Nadine)
So her Name is Nadine..
Nadine: well I just want to eat rice and pork sisig and Nestea..Yasi are you ok??
Then she turn around and she saw me..she looked surprised and scared..then she walk behind Yasi..
James: oh hi Nadine.. nice to see you again..(while laughing)
Andrey: hi Yasi..
Nadine didn't say anything she just roll her eyes and order some food
Yasi: hi James how are you??
Then I just stared to Nadine.. then when we ordered our lunch and paid it..we are finding the table where Nadine and Yasi is.then Yasi waved her hand to catch our attention so we went there to join them...
Yasi: so tell me about your career.
Andrey: well we are model James is a model in America and I am a model here in Baguio.
Yasi: so you live here?? How long?
Andrey: I live here since high school..
Yasi: oh really can you tour us this week??
Andrey: sure if only James and Nadine will come with us..
Yasi: Nadine pls...come with us pls.
Nadine: ok sure.
Andrey: James are you coming??
James: sure why not..
Then after lunch they went to the theatre because its their music class..
Professor: good afternoon guys I am professor jam I will be your professor in music and all that I will teach will be presented every year since this is your first day we will introduce ourselves and after that I will introduce our period and all the things that we will learn..
So I'm I really interested in music...and I'm very active..and I recognize that Nadine never talk to I will not talk to her too..
Yasi: Nadine are you ok it seems that you are so quiet lately until now..
Nadine: yah I'm fine don't worry..
then we're both quiet for the whole period.
And after the whole discussion..
Andrey: hey dude are you ok.
James: yah dude..I'm ok..let's go to our next class.
So we went tonpur next class and Nadine is there again..our class this period is about having our own website..then after listening to our class we have this last period and its all about drama.. after the class.
Andrey: girls do you want to join us in greenwich?? Pls.
Yasi: uhm ok sure.
Andrey: so let's go??
Then Yasi and Andrey went first we just walk by the way cause it was just out of the campus..
James: hey are you ok??
Then she just look at me..
James: its kinda weird don't talk to me all the time that we're there anything wrong?? Pls tell me..
Nadine: its scared me the first tome we met.then now you are trying to be nice then what make fun of pls just stay away from me..
James: I can't ok cause Andrey wants to be with you because he likes the way you act and the way you communicate with a friend..
Nadine: I don't care. don't talk to me..and don't ever come closer to me..cause all I can see in you is like a monster..
Then she walk away and I was hurt from all the words she told me..
Nadine's pov
So that happened and I just drop many words that will make him bad..and I feel conscience of all what I've said..but maybe he will changed..after all what I've said..Andrey just send us home..when o enter our home I smell the delicious kare kare..and I run to the kichen and I saw my mom.
Nadine: mom your home
Mom: oh hi honey hows your first day?
Nadine: I met some friends and a frenemy..
Mom: oh you'll be alright i guess..
Nadine: yes Mom so where is dad?
Mom: well he's upstairs having some rest..
Nadine: ok Mom I'll check on him..
Then I sneek over their room tryng to hide so that I'll surprise him.
Nadine: Wwwaaahhh!!
Dad: aaahhh!!you scared mo a lot Nadine.
Nadine: should've seen your face dad..
Dad: so how's your first day in college..
Nadine: its good.and I met friends and a frenemy..
Dad: oh really well be happy ok..even if we're not always here ok I hope you'll understand.
Nadine: don't worry dad I understand already..
Mom: Nadine come here..
Nadine: coming Mom!
then I went downstairs..
Mom: come with me sweetie we need to give these to our new neighbors..
Nadine: ok Mom.
So we went out and we just walk..and we arrived the nearest neighbor.
I press the doorbell once and someone opened the door
Mom: oh hi hello I'm marites and this is my daughter Nadine.
Nadine: hi ma'am .
Lady: oh hi I'm niña..come in.
Mom: thank we're here to give you this its a offering cause we really give some food for a new neighbor..
niña: oh really how sweet..thank you so much..oh wait I will just call my daughter have a seat please..
Mom: oh thank you..
So we wait about 2 mins. Then ma'am niña come down
Niña: while waiting pls accept this.
She wanted to give us a coin purse.
Mom: oh uhm you don't need to-
Niña: oh pls..accept this.pls..
Then we just get this and Yasi come down..did I just saw Yasi.
Nadine: thanks ma'am .
Niña: oh don't call me ma'am just call me tita.
Nadine: ok tita.
Then Yasi hugged her mom
Yasi: oh hi Mom hi Nadine
Mom: so you know each other already?
Nadine: yes Mom she's one of my friends..
Tita Niña: maybe we will join you to give some food and some purse?
Mom: oh sure let's go
So our moms go first and we are at their back holding the food and the purse..then we're telling stories of fun wwhile walking and finally we arrived the second neighbor
Yasi pressed the doorbell and a guy opened the door..
Mom: oh hi I'm marites and this is my daughter Nadine..
Niña: I'm Niña and this is my daughter Yasi.
guy: oh hi I'm Benjie Paras and I have two sons.come in pls..
Paras sounds familiar then we get in and we saw Andrey watching basketball..
Benjie: Andrey we have some visitors..
Andrey?? So it means we are all in one subdivision?? How if James lives here too...
Yasi: hi Andrey you also live nice..
Andrey: yah..even James lives in this subdivision.
Yasi: oh
Nadine: do you think his cool? He's such an idiot.
Andrey: Nadine my friend is not what you think..if you only know..
Then Andrey came with us to lead us to the house of James.. dingdong
Andrey: press the door bell and the maid opened it
Then the maid let us enter the house..and we saw James sitting at the he's sad..then Andrey went closer to him and he rubs his back..
Nadine: uhm excuse me..what happend to James??
maid: well since he came from school he went to his room change his clothes then sits there..and he seems so sad..
Nadine: oh really? Well where are his parents..
Maid: well they're at the company the whole day..
And I feel so sorry to him..I should've know him better..and I feel am I supposed to cheer him up tomorrow...then we went home and I get a rest because I have a classes maybe I'll think how to cheer him up when I wake up..

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