Lunch with Ryan

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It was an early summer's morning, NOT! Approximately 12:30 . I didn't quite recognise where I was, but the sudden memories of last night sprung into my mind. The couch. As I began to sit, I felt the strain in my lower back. Why can sleeping on a couch be so uncomfortable during the night, yet be so congenial in the day? The thought of having to route to meet my cousin at 2:00 hurt. If I could barely make it to the kitchen, I don't reckon I could make it to lunch with Ryan. Ryan is my cousin, he is tall with sable hair. He towers the people of Florida, he is shockingly tall but from my knowledge, there aren't many people in my family with a tall gene so where did he inherit it from? I wished I was that little bit taller. I'm approximately 5 foot 4. Damn, I'm small!

Ok. Time to get ready. What to wear? I mean, I'm only going out for lunch with Ryan so why should I have to dress fancy. It's only lunch. Once I had struggled to stand, I began to saunter across the oaked laminate. It was piercingly cold. I reached my room and the sun shone blazingly through the aged window's. I observed the dust that was showing through the sun's ray's, it seemed as though the tiny particles danced rhythmically with each other to the vexatious yet serene noise of the tribe of head-splittingly loud passer's by and the overly-loud roar of vehicles engine's. whoever invented loud exhaust's, I do not know. I strolled over to my wardrobe and held both silver handles in each hand and flung open the ashen doors. My wardrobe felt so empty, although it was crammed full of clothes. Some of which that still had the price on. I skimmed through each pair of my skinnies and reached my black pair. It baffles me as to why I always wear these, I have so many others to choose from. I guess I'm just too lazy to try a new pair on. As I carried on skimming away, I found my cerise blouse. Now, time to dress.

As I checked my outfit in the overly large mirror positioned on my wall, I studied myself to see if I looked fit and ready for lunch. I pulled on my maroon converse, pulled on my black leather jacket, grabbed my phone and purse and off I went. Keys! I ran back, picked up my keys and then finally, I was ready.

I sauntered on to 'Café' la Beau'. I'm not pretty sure what the name meant, but from my own knowledge, I consider if it meant 'Café of Beau', Beau obviously being the name of the owner. I've known Beau practically all my life as Café la Beau was always the place my mother used to take me for lunch when I was a child. Actually, we still go there together now on the odd occasion. She is lovely and has a ginormous heart of gold. She is short and old, and has a beautiful, neatly cut, blonde bob. Since my nan died before I was born, I think beau as the nan I never had, although my real nan will too always have a place in my heart.

There he was. For some reason I stood staring at him, he looked different? did he cut his hair differently? I made my way across the room full of people happily chatting away to fellow accomplices, eventually reaching Ryan.

"Hello, you look new. did you cut your hair or something?" I asked queerly. It was as though I was his mother asking him 21 questions after getting back 2 minutes after his time he was meant to be in, which in this case was 10:00 as his mother led a very serious yet strict life. She was also very protective over her children, I know this as Ryan's mother was my mother's sister and my mother always spoke of how she should give her children a bit more freedom.

"Hey Bee! how are you? have you ordered? if not I'll buy you something" Bee was his nick name for me. Pretty obvious as if you shorten my name... well its explains itself really.

"I'll order in a moment, thanks for offering" I said too satisfyingly. At that moment, I noticed a mysterious figure sitting next to Ryan. Who was it? Before I could question myself, the words suddenly flew from Ryan's mouth.

"This is Hugo by the way". Hugo? What sort of a name is that? well, I can't really compare, my name is Beatrice after all.

"Hey, I'm Beatrice" and the smile appeared all to soon on my face. It reached from ear to ear. Oh no. I've made myself look so stupid. Oh well. It cant be as stupid as the name Hugo, after all.

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