the next day

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I wake up and can't think of nothing else other than the message from Hugo. As it is Monday after all, I suppose I should get up and get my uniform on ready for Tanya to come and pick me up and take us to work. I wonder what Tanya has got to say about him.

It was now 8:45 and Tanya called me to tell me she was outside. I made my way out to her, ensuring I had all my belongings, go outside and then into her car. For some reason I have a enormous grin on my face and begin laughing. Tanya looks at me and gives my a sly look and asks me what I'm laughing about. For once in my life, I have absolutely nothing to say. I am completely out of words. I am stunned. I sit there with completely no answer.

"I dont know what wrong with me Tanya. Honestly I am speechless. I need to talk to you about Hugo as well, he messaged me last night. He told me to get my beauty sleep with a winking face. It made me feel... Weird."

"And that my friend is the feeling of falling for someone. Get used to it"

After going through the details of last night and showing Tanya the messages, work went quite fast. We both worked in an office filing and dealing with reports, administration basically. It was now our brake and we made our way to the cafeteria. My phone began ringing. It was him. I told Tanya to look after my things for me whilst I answered the call. I made my way out side and answered him.


"Hi, it's me Hugo. How are you?"

"I'm fine thanks, I'm on my break at work. How are you?"

"I'm good thanks"

For a moment or two the line went dead. Neither of us said a word. So I decide to talk a s things were getting awkward.

"Is there anything that you wanted?" Considering I only have half an hour break.

"I was just checking up on you. I was also wondering, would you like to meet sometime? Its up to you. I'm free tonight"

"Well... Um... I'm free tonight. Tonight's fine"

"I will be at your place for 7, be ready for me then"

The line cut off and I was stunned. Be ready for him, for what?

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