Chapter 2: After Fallout

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Air from his outpost looked over the bomb shelled ground of what used to be The Socius base. Buildings have collapsed, the ground is plastered with bombshells, the runway and helicopters pads are gone, and all the dead soldiers being carried away by the remaining Socius Wrath Soldiers. There was nothing left to scrap or spare or even salvage, the Socius base is no more besides for a few small building and the main outpost where all the Socius Council are. 

As Air turns around to face his Council members all he sees is grieve and anguish on there faces. He knows he has failed them, but right now is no time to sit around and question how could've things went differently. 

"Tai" Air mentioned to his brown haired and brown eyed Elder Council member. "Please round up all the remaining Socius Wrath Soldiers and get a head count on who we lost. After that, send them to the Parade Deck Infront of the Outpost." Air Commanded. 

"Yes, Commander." Tai replied with a gloomy face as she walks down the steps of the Outpost towards the aftermath.

Air continues to look down on what seem to be the remaining of the Socius Base from the top of the Outpost, mourning and hoping that he has not lost to many of his soldiers/family. Air then walks toward the door to head to the Parade Deck where he will brief and talk to his brethren. As Air was walking, he felt a big tug on his arm and looked over his shoulder to see that Evol is the one who reached for him.

"Ho- How did you know that enemy bombers of Pandora were coming!? You could've prevented this, you could've stopped so many casualties and the deaths of our people! You are supposed to lead with us, not lead us to our deaths for your cause!" Evol stuttered and pissed off. "There was to many of them that had died infront of my face.. How will you take accountability for this!" Air's Third In Command (3IC) stated.

Air stopped in his tracks and took a deep breath before answering. "Right now is not the time for questions, I know I failed at protecting you guys, but for right now please help Tai rally up the remaining Socius Soldiers and bring them to the Parade deck for a briefing. There, you will get your answers you are searching for." 

Evol shook his head but agreed, he let go of Air and started to head towards the men. As Air watched him go, he heads towards the top of the Parade deck and waits for all of his soldiers to come towards and get in STS (shoulder to shoulder.)

Once all of his Soldiers were in STS, all of his Council members joined Air on stage in At Ease. Air looked over on the gloomy and hurt remaining Socius Soldiers. Air wish for this day to never come, and he also wished things could've turned out differently. As Air continues to look, he can't help but notice that there is less then 100 soldiers out of 357. This was truly a devasting day for the Socius Bloodline Military.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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