Chapter 1 A different fate

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It was strange last thing that he remembered was this strange ghost that came out of The Collector as Lewis is holding Oddity as Sara well in actuality Litho possessing, Sara's body angry upon seeing had happened.As Litho had trapped Allison somewhere in a old play thing of his as that strange ghost went up to Litho calling him Ed asking what has happened to them.

Then Litho turned his attention back to him as strange blue strings came out of nowhere, including multiple eyes with a red blood colour before everything had blacked out for him.Wiatt had no idea what exactly happened. Everything was just missing as he recognize some familiar sounds. As there was machines being played, as well as some arcade cabinets.

But that was impossible the entire facility collapsed on the ground. So how was it possible for those machines to be working? It didn't make any sense as he didn't have any time to get lost in his own head as he needed to open his eyes and figure out where he is and hopefully find Lewis and Oddity as well as everybody else.

He open his eyes to see Sara well just her body as Litho is still possessing it.Wiatt opened his eyes, realizing that he was sitting on a chair as he didn't understand what happened where was Lewis and Oddity.

Why was he here with Litho what had happened to the ghost that was inside of The Collector. As the look on Sara face had a smirk on it as he could tell that Litho had done something when he was unconscious, but what he did, he had no idea.

" Took you long enough.I was starting to think that you would never wake up."

Oh how he hated how Litho use someone else's voice as well as using someone else's body as a pawn for his plans.Wiatt can't help, but give an angry look at the scientific anomaly using someone else's body like that, as he wanted to know, where was Lewis and what had happened?

" What have you done!?"

"Shhh.... don't say anything. You hear that."

He paused after a while as he listened there was the sounds of the arcade games that he listen to previously before he had woken up as well as other machines.Wiatt then paused as he listen to the sounds of laughter from children. How is that even possible?The dreamworld facility collapsed on  underground so how could it be that there was people here?

"There....there are people here."

" Innocent people too.And they're all gonna die. If you don't do exactly what I say."

" Answer my question Litho."

He didn't have time for any of these games as there was a scowl on the face that Litho was using as there was obviously no time for games which upset the scientific anomaly, but that didn't matter. As everything was going to be finished with anyways, so that wouldn't be any more detectives viruses and no more ghost.

" Not even going to use the name of my human puppet. Fine then you're no fun anymore. Anyway I'll get straight to the point. I've set my plans back in motion everything is exactly how it was before you came to the facility."

Wiatt is shocked. How is that even possible? He didn't understand it. As he thought that might have something to do with time travel. As he started speaking demanding for answers.

" That's impossible.Did you mess with time travel again."

" What!?No you moron. I repair the facility with my puppet strings and reopen it to the public. You've been unconscious for over a week Wiatt."

That shocked him even more. How was it possible that he was unconscious for a over a week! That really set him off balance, but he had to ground himself as he still want it answers as to what happened.

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