Chapter 4 The idea 

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It was already closing time at the Dreamworld facility as everyone had already left, and the other animatronics were doing what they usually would do now since their minds were wiped of who they once were as they were given new memories of the fictional back stories that Sara had created for each animatronic characters.As it was very strange that all the animatronics don't remember anything of their formal lives as they were once shells of who they once were, but it didn't stop them from asking questions.

Winnie is worried about some other things as well that didn't involve the other animatronics at least not the ones that were playing around with the other customers.The pegasus animatronic is also worried about the detective in that other founder that detective had to be dealt with for sure because he might cause some problems as well as that other founder, but there was no signs of those people, so there was nothing that could be done.

But that didn't stop him from putting everything on the facility for a high alert on the detective and Oliver.Winnie needed to go to Sara's office anyways, because it was time for a discussion about how things have been going so far as well as an idea to help with these difficulties that Lorenzo has been doing. As it was strange, because he was the first one here as Sara came in afterwards. It was very strange, but nothing that can't be done at this moment.

"So what do you want to talk about? It must be serious if you got me out here, you know very well how Lorenzo is, but I got a plushy to keep him distracted."

"Well it's about the detective, including that other individual have you seen them? Also, I wanted to know why Star needed a second mind wipe. Not to mention the fact we need to do something about Lorenzo because he can't stay cooped up there all the time and you know very well how playful he can get."

So it was a three in one type of situation that was bound to happen. Eventually, it was still strange, even by his standards why Star needed a second mind wipe even he was confused as to why that happened. As there was no signs of Oliver and that detective. Including what to do about Lorenzo, as he was nearly noticed when he was chewing on those cables as well as colouring everywhere in the hallways, he almost got way too close and detected. So there needs to be something to these situations.

"Well I don't understand why Star needed a second mind wipe. As for the detective, including Oliver no signs of them. As the other issue about Lorenzo, I might have an idea why don't we use those other levels of the facility below and repurpose them for Lorenzo to play and hang out with.I think it's a good idea, especially if you find Oliver and if you do placed him in an animatronic he might end up like Lorenzo if you use the mind zap on him. It's the only way I can think of and besides, I can keep a close surveillance on them and come and visit."

After a couple of minutes of quiet silence as the clock continue to make sounds as time seem to have stopped but then the pegasus animatronic was surprised to see that Sara's expression changed into a soft smile. It was unusual to say the least, even though it wasn't really her, and someone just possessing her body, it was still strange to say the least.Winnie felt so many strange feelings, as it was very odd then yet again him becoming a father figure to his grandson. That was now blank slate was strange as well.

"You that's not a bad idea. It makes things much more easier to say the least. Besides, if what you're saying is true if I do it again with Oliver and the memory eraser. I guess that makes sense, including I can put the source of any other animatronics that become blank slate into those levels as well. Also, if you are gonna visit them, so am I.It's strange honestly but your grandson reminds me of someone that I lost a long time ago.So I'll use my puppet strings to repurpose those below levels into a play area for Lorenzo and his friends, whenever we find screens, or that detective.I have a lead on where screen is hiding, I will send you to retrieve him if I'm going to wipe his mind it's better that he is a blank slate like Lorenzo at least this way he won't have to deal with the agony anymore. I've spent enough time with Lorenzo to know exactly what he likes. So well, I'll finish repurposing those levels while you go get screens. Don't take too long alright."

The pegasus animatronic noted as Winnie left as he was going to go off in retrieve Oliver as it was for the best if he was going to give mind wipe it might as well be a blank slate like Lorenzo, at least this way he won't have to suffer through the agony. Especially with that television on his head.Winnie is surprised that he even survive that not to mention keeping what is left of his sanity, and that the room that he was left in, it was honestly quite strange to say the least. But that doesn't matter right now, all that that matter was retrieving screens before anyone notice he was even gone from the facility, though he doesn't understand why the other animatronics are having flashes of memories.

Of their old lives, while Lorenzo is not having any of that it was quite strange he might have to study the other animatronics later. After getting out of the facility, and finding out where screens was hiding this entire time, it was easy to get by and finding him unconscious, seemingly having a nightmare. It was a nerving to watch, even by his standards as an uneasy expression on his face showed.

It was for the best that he was wiped into a blank slate at least this way, he won't have to suffer. It was very easy, picking out a perfect animatronic vessel for his soul to inhabit.As he had to admit carrying his unconscious body, was quite frustrating to say the least. Why was that screens body was so heavy when he was unconscious he'll never understand. While carrying him outside, he started to get lost within his own thoughts about everything that was going on.

(" Why is it that you are so heavy when you're unconscious!? but then you look at my grandson's body was all so much more heavier, but that's for something else. It's for the best that you are wiped into a blank slate. At least you don't have to deal with the agony. not to mention you'll have a fresh start like my grandson. I wonder if he'll consider you a sibling that's kind of funny honestly but not in a bad kind of way. It will be somewhat sweet not to mention you fit the big brother position very well. I know the perfect animatronic for you to inhabit. Don't worry though it will all be over soon. You'll have no more nightmares and no more pain you'll be free from it just like my grandson is. Lorenzo will be so happy to play with you and have fun.")

Then after not getting notice, the pegasus animatronic was back inside of facility with an unconscious Oliver as he took him to a room where the repurposed scrap animatronics are including the memory eraser. Not to mention the soul transfer device. It was easy to pick out the perfect vessel for his soul to inhabit. All that was left to do was to put him out of his misery as he noticed the camera feed, and he couldn't have that happening as he soon grabbed a switch and the camera faded to black.

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