✯《chapter - 2》✯

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Sound of breaking glass occured from the upstairs

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Sound of breaking glass occured from the upstairs. "We can't control her." A man in his 30s told to a man who is wearing white shirt and black trousers, sleeves rolled up to the elbow drinking liquor from the glass in his hand sitting on the expensive couch. "Whatever is coming in her hands, she is throwing at us since last 2 hours. Do something Tiger!!" He said concerned.

"You are my secretary Bobby, and you can't handle a simple girl?!" He said in deep voice taking a gulp of his drink. After listening this Bobby fold his arms on his chest. " SIMPLE GIRL!!!? Well, for your kind information, she is not a simple girl, she is a freakin celebrity!" He said in Little offended tone.

"Yeah, yeah.........whatever you handle that girl yourself. I'm not a fucking babysitter and she is not a 5 year old freaking baby" Tiger said in tiredly voice.


"Look, don't know whose head she has broken now." Bobby said looking upstairs where the sounds were coming from.


"I SAID, LET ME GO I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE!!!" a girl shouting throwing the vase at the bunch of men who were calming her down. Bobby entered in the room. "Miss calm down, don't worry we won't hurt you." He tried to said softly.

"Oh REALLY!!! Then why did you bring me here, why did you kidnap me?!" She yelled throwing pillows which were lying on the bed. "Do you even know who I am!!?? I am freaking Avika Chauhan." She said loudely fuming in anger. "We know"he said and nodded his head a little.

"But you try to listen to us onc--" He cutted when she threw a pillow at him.
"Sir, she is not ready to listen to us." A man whispers to Bobby.
"But we don't have any other option DAMMIT!!" Bobby said to them.

"Exactly, i am not going to listen to you, so it would be better for you let me go from here." She said threating them.

"Actually, we have one more option." A man told to Bobby. When her back was facing them to find more things to throw at them "What is it!?" Bobby asks him.
"We can scare her with guns." He said to Bobby. "WOW, you are so intelligent." Bobby told his man widely smiling. He smiled "This is nothing sir even--" "SHUT UP" Bobby whispers loudely to him and smack his head.

°𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑩𝒆𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝑼𝒔° ✓〔𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤- I〕Where stories live. Discover now