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The demeanor of some people never changes

It is said that there is nothing better than friendship in this world. Everything is simple in friendship. But when Avika looks at her friend Sara, she feels that as soon as she tells her that she is dating someone, She will not waste even a moment to taking her life.

She raised her head and looked at her two bestfriends who were sitting infront of her in her room. She looked at Arya and thought that, she will not pounce on her when she told her that she have a date with her brother today. But in case of Sara she will...... No!!! she don't even want to imagine it!!!

She hung her head down and silently took a sip from her cold coffee.
"What the hell you want to talk to us?!!" Sara grunted and huffed out a breath.

"Exactly, It's been two hours since we've been sitting here. What do you want to tell Avika?" Arya said calmly and took a bite of chocolate cupcakes.

"I will go straight." Avika said composing some strength.

"Yeah, we both want this." Sara said and they both nodded their head to encourage her.

"I...I want to da..... But firstly you have to promise me that you will not pounce on me, Sara." Avika stated, and a muscle tickled of Sara's jaw.

"You bitch, just tell me what you want to tell us or I'll kill you!!!" Sara pounced on her but Arya quickly stopped her grabbing her waist.

"Relaxe, she will tell us. I think it is little serious. That's why she is hesitating this much." Arya said and calmed her down. She sat back on couch glaring at her.

Avika closed her eyes and took a deep breath." I'm in love with someone. I have date with him tonight.!!" She breathed out and opened her eyes looking at her friends reaction.

But she got confused whe she met their blank face.
"I know. Who he is." Arya shrugged her shoulders and leaned back to couch. "And I'm happy that you are going to a date tonight with him." She gave her a encouraging smile and showed a thumbs up.

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