2: what if

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Silence is a sound of its own, a sound so loud and deafening and mind-numbing that it becomes the only thing you can hear. Even your heartbeat feels like a distant din, your breath a far cry.

Coming from a household where it was a sin to defy the patriarch, I had learned to accept silence as an old friend.

"The world deserves to be scolded, to be criticized so that it can shape into a better version of itself."

And then you came into my life and told me otherwise. How was I to believe?

The mere idea of having a voice terrified me to no end. What if they got to know my true self? What if...what if...what if.

"Silence is death, Taehyun! I cannot stay silent! Trixie was...was a good friend... I won't let their murderers roam around. What if another Trixie dies?"

And what if among all those Trixies, a Yeonjun would've died?

You were just as much of a family to me, I couldn't have let you wander away into the hands of the predators themselves.

You didn't know what they used to do to the likes of us, I did. And I knew murder was still much better.

But that was the thing about you. You were just so brave, so curious...

...so naive.

And all of it was nothing less than a nightmare, but somewhere from an unknown part of my mind and soul, I trusted you, and I believed you.

Then I decided,
maybe going naive won't be so bad. At least I'd have you.

Won't I?

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