9: loved

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You knew I loved you, right?

"All of it was for nothing... The protests, the petitions, the marches."

Because I knew I loved you.

"We just wasted our time."

I loved you, the one who knew he was alone in this fight, and yet he stormed over to the battlefield, his head held up high.

"People are still dying."

I loved you, the one who taught me that silence towards injustice is as much of a sin as the injustice itself.

"I don't think I can continue like this. I feel so drained."

I loved you, who had faith in Estra, faith that it could reform for the better.

"The murders are still on the loose. No one is safe."

I loved you, and I kept loving you even as you sat there, defeated and hopeless, and I knew you would stand up again, you would fight again, and you won't stop until justice was brought.

And I loved you because I don't think I could've done anything else.

I loved you, and I should've been afraid. The murderers were still on the loose. No one was safe. I could've been next, and I loved you because I was normal and you were too, and loving you somehow made me less afraid of the world.

Choi Yeonjun. I, Kang Taehyun, loved you and I couldn't be any more thankful.

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