Junior year

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Today is the first day of junior year. And I am looking forward to it. I read in one of my books that junior year is one of the easiest.

Let's hope it is

I decided that I might as well look half decent today, not that I'm trying to impress somebody.

I combed my wavy hair and decided I would curl it. I hate doing my hair, but I can put in a little effort.

(This but no flannel)

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(This but no flannel)

I stood in the mirror checking myself out to make sure I looked good when the door slammed open

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I stood in the mirror checking myself out to make sure I looked good when the door slammed open.

"Lottie you're gonna make us late." My twin brother Joshua said. He has black hair just like me, he had a middle part and fluffed it (against my mothers wishes) we both had freckles, dark brown eyes, and thick eyelashes. That's where the similarities ended . He had full lips while I had heart shaped lips, I had rather slim eyebrows while he had thick ones.

I grabbed my black vans backpack and walked out the door with him.

I have always been self conscious of myself. One day I tried putting on makeup in middle school and my mom grounded me. She told me makeup makes us feel uglier and she told me that I don't need it because I'm already pretty. I'm holding her word for that.

My brother drives a black Jeep Wangler, I want a gladiator but my mom could only afford one. Against my wishes he drives, and every morning I pray we don't get into a wreck.

Usually I would sit in the front seat, but this isn't usual. Today we are picking up my brothers best friend Alex. Apparently he was grounded from driving, not that I care or anything but I'm curious as to why.

My brother honked the horn three times when we pulled up to Alex's house. When he walked over I had to hide the blush creeping up my neck. I was definitely checking him out.

Okay let's get this straight. I do not like Alex, he is the definition of high school football player. He has hair like Joshua's but it's a lighter brown. He has dark green eyes, down-turned lips, and the hottest body.

When I say hot body I mean he was lean yet muscular. One time in sophomore year I saw him without a shirt and I'm pretty sure I fainted. Holy hell was this dude hot. But I hated him and that was the end of it.

He jumped into the passenger seat next to my brother and glared at me. What was his problem?

"Can you play Taylor Swift?" I ask Josh.

"No way in hell are we listening to her" Alex said

"I wasn't talking to you dumbass" I responded

"Enough with the bickering you two. I'm tired of it. And Lottie you're not allowed to cuss." Josh cut us off

I huff from the back seat.

In front of me Alex starts doing what I was doing. He huffs and slouches forwards just like I did.

I smack him in the back of the head.

"What the heck!" He yells

I laugh to myself knowing I caught him by surprise.

I see Josh roll his eyes in the rear view mirror.


Josh parks his Jeep and immediatly turns off the car and hops out.

looks like someone is excited to be at school.

that was rich coming from me, I was pretty good at schoolwork, which is how I earn most of my money, doing other people's work, and when I say other people's I just mean my brother and his friends, including Alex. guess who I charge more for?

anyway that was a bit off topic, I talk a lot, specifically to myself, which is off topic and besides the point, I hate school, I enjoy schoolwork. Now was it so hard to get out?

I walk behind my brother and Alex like a lost puppy, adjusting my clothes because they feel tight and hot, and my school was suffocating me by the minute. 

My eyes follow the school I had not dared to look at over summer, when we would drive past it I would close my eyes so I could forget all the horrid memories surrounding school.

One of my favorite memories had to do with this really nice girl Jessica. I hope you can hear the sarcasm.

"What's up bro." my brother and Alex do some boy handshake and I try to stay hidden as best as possible, specifically from a certain someone. This year I am determined to make a new friend. My number one goal besides passing all my classes with an A+, which is fairly easy. You get the point.

"Josh's sister can you hear me." Did i hear him the first time? no. But am I choosing to ignore him now that I finally heard him just because he called me Josh's sister? yes.

"Lottie J is talking to you, stop being a bitch." I glance up at the group of boys and I pretend to take out an air pod, just to be petty. "I'm sorry what did you say?" I say in a sweet, innocent voice because I am an angle.

"What's your name" J, whose name I don't know, asks me. And because I am socially awkward and I hate when people ask me that, I counter with the same question.  J rolls his eyes and my brother smacks me on the back of the head. 

I didn't mean to come off rude, it's just that often people in class ask what my name is or who i am at the end of the year as a joke, or at least I hope. But anyways i hate it so much it makes me want to jump off a roof. But here I am, tolerating everyone's self-obsessed behavior. Because one person can't get over themselves to the point where they don't know my name, (i never talk in class)

"Lottie, come here for a second" a nasty claw hand grips my forearm aggresively and drags me towards the bathroom.

"oh hey jessica. Nice to see you" I give me a heartwarming smile and she hits me with a glare.

"stay the fuck away from Josh." I roll my eyes. "How many times have we been over this Jessica, Josh is my brother, do you know what that is?" I say brother slow so it can get through her thick head.

She huffs at me, "okay then stay away from Alex, and when I say stay away from Alex I mean don't go in a 10 foot radius you got that?" she asks, still gripping my arm tightly.

"are you scared that he is gonna stand 9 feet next to me and fall in love." she grabs my arm tighter and the bell rings. "you know what I mean bitch." she lets go, flips her hair, I roll my eyes and let the door slam shut, so she can pretend she looked soooo cool when she walked out, and I headed to my first period class.

I love school.



I just slightly changed the scenes, now you are gonna notice some changes, I might even delete a few of the last chapters because I know I can do better, but ya'll are just gonna have to deal with it for now.

You'll see some slow edits because It's finals week, but as soon as the last bell rings at 11:45 MST, just know I will come out with new chapters (don't hold my word for it)

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