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DISCLAIMER: if you are reading this, that means I have edited the chapter before this one so it won't make as much sense, so you can either read it and be confused or pretend this chapter and the ones after it don't exist until I am done editing- ANDREAAAA

That morning, I woke up with puffy eyes and a headache. How am I supposed to face Alex?

I raked my hand down my face as I walked downstairs.

"Morning sunshine " Alex greeted eating a plate full of waffles. Him and Josh thought they were so funny.

I rolled my eyes at them and plopped into a chair across from Alex.

"Good morning honey" my mom gave me a hug and a waffle.

"Thanks mom, these are delicious" I say after my first bite. She gives me a warm smile.

"Well, I'm off to work kiddos, don't do anything stupid" we all said our goodbyes as my mom left for work.


For school I decided to wear a pair of Jean shorts and a white tank top, I put on a sweater but decided against bringing it because it was still technically summer even though it's been chilly recently.

I put my hair in a claw clip, pulling a few strands in front of my face

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I put my hair in a claw clip, pulling a few strands in front of my face. I put on a pair of white converse and called it a day.

I walked out the front door, made sure to lock it, and walked towards the Jeep with an impatient Josh and a half asleep Alex.

When Alex saw me walking over, he stared. His eyes wide.

Is there a bug on me? Oh no what if there was one. He would tell me right?

"Looking good, sunshine" Alex whistled and Josh smacked his arm.

I started blushing furiously as I sat in the back seat and made eye contact with him in the rear view mirror.

Upon arriving to school I immediately spotted my new best friend, Betty. I ran up to her and gave her a big hug.

"Looking hot" she winked at me and I giggled.

I saw Alex roll his eyes, "you're sister's a weirdo" he "whispered" to Josh. I glared at him.


Me and Betty really hit it off. We both love reading, but she prefers romance while I prefer mystery and thriller books. Most importantly, we both love Taylor Swift.

"Ughh I can't wait for math to be over" I heard Alex whisper in front me. Our next class was culinary and thankfully the last class of the day.

I snickered, "why are you talking to yourself?" I whisper behind his ear. He turned around and flipped me off.

"Alex and Lottie please stop talking" our math teacher, Mrs. Jackson interrupted the class. Heads turned towards us, my face went pink. Out of the corner of my eye I see Betty wink at me, with a sly grin on her face.

After class me and Betty met up, "can I come over?" Betty asked. I glanced over at her, "sure, just ride the bus home with me"

"Don't I have to get a bus pass?" She asked

"My bus driver is too old to notice" with that we parted ways, she went to art, I went to culinary.


"Attention students, do not take a seat, we will be going to the cooking lab today" Miss Richards was a pretty lady. She was tall and curvy and has long hair. She always wore fitted clothes, she looked like a business woman.

"Follow me in a single file as we walk to the lab, we will be meeting here everyday this week"

I don't think I've ever walked this slow, I kept stepping on Alex's feet in front of me because he was holding up the back of the line. I took it in me to shove him because Miss Richards was telling us to hurry up.

He obviously was taken by surprise as he was shoved forwards. He started falling to the ground, but grabbed me instead. I ended up failing on top of him with a grunt.

"Sorry, not interested" he smirks at me and I shove off of him and start running towards the gap in the line.

When we get there she puts us in partners and I pray that I don't have to pair with Alex. I'm actually taking this class seriously because it's a possible career choice and Alex is not serious at all.

Miss Richards starts naming off people and pointing them to a kitchen. There were only 16 of us with about 10 kitchens. I stood there and realized that it was just me and Alex left.

"Lottie and Alex, kitchen 8" my heart stopped. I'm sorry I stopped praying but you don't have to be this mean about it.

"Today you will not be cooking but we are gonna learn more about your kitchens and the key appliances that they contain"

This is gonna be a long year.


Hope you guys like this one I felt like I should have given Lottie a friend on the beginning but I totally forgot so here she is... there may or may not be a thing between Betty and Josh...

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Word count- 825

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