⸻ part one , a new reality

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the city was a symphony of life as isabel moved into her new apartment, eager to start anew. she had left behind her hometown, seeking a fresh chapter in this bustling urban landscape. little did she know that her life was about to intertwine with charles leclerc's, the renowned formula 1 driver, in ways she never could have imagined.

"hey there," charles greeted with a warm smile, his eyes reflecting genuine friendliness as he helped her with a box. "new neighbor, right?"

isabel nodded, managing a shy smile. her heart raced – not only because she was meeting her famous neighbor but also because his welcoming demeanor was putting her at ease.

over the weeks that followed, isabel settled into her new life. her interactions with charles became more frequent, sometimes brief but always pleasant. they would bump into each other at the building's entrance, exchange small talk, and gradually, a friendly camaraderie developed. he would ask about her day, and she would listen to his racing anecdotes with genuine interest.

what truly touched isabel's heart was the bond charles shared with his 4-year-old sister, charlène. she often spotted them playing in the hallway, their laughter echoing in the corridors. charles, who could easily be traveling the world, was right there, making memories with charlène. their relationship was pure and heartwarming, and isabel couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth whenever she witnessed it.

one sunny afternoon, as charlène toddled around her brother, isabel offered to take her to the nearby park. charles looked surprised but grateful as he handed over a giggling charlène, who had already taken a liking to her friendly neighbor. hand in hand, they strolled along, enjoying the warmth of the sun on their skin. isabel marveled at charlène's innocence and zest for life.

but fate can be merciless. as they reached a crosswalk on their way back, charlène's curiosity got the best of her. she wriggled out of isabel's grip and darted onto the road, her laughter turning into a terrified scream.

"charlène, no!" isabel's heart clenched in her chest as she saw a car approaching. her shout seemed to hang in the air, but it was too late. the car collided with charlène, and the world seemed to stop.

isabel rushed to charlène's side, her own heart pounding wildly. charles arrived seconds later, his face pale as he took in the scene.

"charlène!" his voice wavered with fear and disbelief.

"call an ambulance!" isabel's voice shook as she cradled charlène's small body, her fingers trembling.

as the ambulance rushed them to the hospital, isabel's mind was a whirlwind of panic and guilt.

"please, charlène, stay with me." charles said, his voice shaking.

"she's strong, charles. she's going to be okay." isabel replied.

in the waiting room, they clung to each other, their worry uniting them in an unspoken bond.

"this is all my fault. i should have held her hand tighter." charles whined.

"accidents happen, charles. don't blame yourself." isabel placed her hand on his shoulder, making him feel comforted

hours ticked by like eternity until finally, a surgeon emerged.

"she's out of surgery. she's a fighter." the surgeon stated, with a smile.

relief washed over charles and isabel, tears of gratitude filling their eyes.

sitting by charlène's bedside, monitors beeping softly, charles turned to isabel.

"thank you, isabel. you were there when i couldn't be. you saved her." charles said rejoiced.

"we saved her, charles. she's family now." i smiled.

in the midst of tragedy and fear, a bond blossomed. isabel and charles, neighbors who were once strangers, were now united by their care for a child they both cherished deeply.

as the days turned into weeks, charlène's condition improved, but her memory was a puzzle missing crucial pieces. she looked at charles and isabel, her big, innocent eyes full of trust.

"are you my mommy and daddy?" charlène inquired.

charles exchanged a glance with isabel, his heart heavy. "yes, sweetie, we are."

isabel nodded in agreement, a mixture of sadness and compassion in her gaze. they couldn't bear to see charlène in pain, so they decided to protect her with a comforting lie.

"you had a little accident, sweetheart, but we're here to take care of you." charles said gently.

"i love you, mommy and daddy." charlene smiled.

it was a bittersweet moment. a lie that carried a world of pain, yet a lie that brought a smile to charlène's innocent face. as they embraced her, charles and isabel knew that they were in this together, united by love and a shared desire to shield charlène from the harsh realities of life. their journey was just beginning, a path filled with challenges, love, and unexpected bonds.

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