⸻ part 9, after so long

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warning: this is a smut episode.


that night. i was sleeping peacefully, after a long day of shopping with my mom. i started hearing noises but i figured it was just a squirrel or cat. those like to climb on my parent's roof a lot at night. but then the noices became more frequent and i heard mumbling. then i felt a hand grabbing a pillow next to me, i thought it was my cousin bella since she was staying the night and i figured she needed an extra pillow. so i opened my eyes and saw a masked man, i got scared. it was a stranger looking me directly in the eyes. i let out a scream, but after that it all went pitch black for what felt like an eternity.

i woke up to charles, my mom, bella and pierre sitting in the futon that was in the room i was in. charles realized i had woken up and he immediately stood up and asked me a lot of questions. i couldn't even hear well, i was weak, all i could do is smile at him and then i went back to sleep. later that night, i woke up. i felt a little better. this time, it was just my mom and bella, who was asleep on the corner of the futton with a blanket and airpods. i scanned the room and saw charles and pierre weren't there anymore.

"mom, where's charles and pierre?" i asked my mom, who realized i was up. she stood up and run her fingers in my hair.

"sweetheart, they left for silverstone the last time you were up, they were waiting for you to wake up to say goodbye. they were supposed to be there since tuesday, but they stayed due to your situation. they race in two days, let's hope you get discharged so we can watch it." she said to me, smiling. "do you want a bagel? they brought it incase you wanted to eat something."

"that would be nice. thanks, mom." i said while receiving the bagel from my mother's hands, then taking a big bite from it. i haven't ate a bagel in a while, i forgot how good they were. i knew i wouldn't sleep anymore so i figured i would watch gossip girl where i left it the last time i watched it.

time passed by fast, when i woke up it was 2a.m, now it was already 7a.m and i heard birds chirping already. my mom hadn't slept a second tonight. i felt bad, she looked so tired. she had some giant eye bags, a messy bun and a water bottle that i saw her fill around 3 times in the course of the night. i was watching the ceiling, drowning in my thoughts when i heard the doctor who was taking care of me and my nurse come in.

"hello isa! we got good news for you. you are being discharged tomorrow, saturday the 8th. you will need to be in bed rest, since you are still very delicate. but we've decided you're ready to go back home. you can walk occasionally, but try not to. if you feel pounding headaches, even after taking medication please communicate the hospital and be here as soon as possible. that could mean you're bleeding internally."

"thank you doctor, i understand and will try not to move as much as i do normally." i said, and the doctor let out a smile and left. my nurse was still here, she brought me breakfast. i was hoping she would because i was starving. i was fed by a tube for maybe 3 days and i needed real food.

saturday came and I was at charles' place since mine was practically empty because of the bug infestation. bella stayed with me until charles would come on sunday night after the race. i know he would miss his after party, but that's what he told my mom. he still thinks im at the hospital, not in his apartment. so i have planned to surprise him. i spent my Saturday sleeping. i was tired. but i woke up just in time for the race on sunday. he hasn't been active at all on socials so i decided to post him when i was watching the pre-race interviews.

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