⸻ part 6 , the light in your eyes.

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i was sitting on the sand, using my phone waiting for charles to come to the beach so I could talk to him, when i felt a hand on my shoulder.

"hey, what did you need me here for?" he asked as he sat down next to me.

"look, i heard you talking to pierre. and i wanted to tell you that i was trying to talk to you too. i know we are nothing but i got jealous. i know, i'm crazy. but i had to tell you one way or another. sorry."

"hey, it's okay. i got a little jealous too. and i have to tell you something. i know we haven't known each other for more than two months but i've been admiring you for a long time, and meeting you has been one of the best things that ever happened to me in my life. i wanted to tell you that i like you, i like you a lot, isabel. and if you don't feel the same way, i understand."

i was in shock. i thought i was going to be the one to confess, but the fact that it was him made me fall in love with him even more than before.

"charles...well. i don't know what to say. i'm surprised you confessed, before i did. i like you a lot, otherwise i wouldn't have been jealous, or worried that you were upset with me."

"well, now what? you have a boyfriend already." charles looked confused.

i laughed. "who?"

"gasly. don't act crazy, i've already seen you with him."

"pierre is not my boyfriend. he's my friend, and i might have slept with him. JUST ONCE."

"are you serious? i haven't even had sex with charlotte. she says she's 'saving herself for marriage' so we haven't."

"but if she wasn't saving herself, you would have, right?" isabel raised her eyebrow.

"moving on, what are we going to do? you want to try dating eachother?"

"okay, of course i do. but what are you going to do about charlotte? you've already convinced her that you're dating, she's going to be hysterical."

"i'll find out later. now come on, charlotte can wait, i want to focus on you now."

i walked up to him and he kissed me, just like the first time, it felt perfect. the fireworks, charles, his eyes shining like a pearl. we held each other for a while, until charlotte's phone rang.

charlotte sine

charlotte sine
charles what does this mean?

charlotte sinecharles what does this mean?

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read by charles leclerc

"shit. they got us, isabel. we have to leave capri now. look what charlotte sent me."

"oh my god, let's go now. you go take charlène and ill go look for pierre."

"okay, the car is parked over there. we'll meet you there."

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