chapter 32

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"Adi.... "


Aditya came running towards her from the closet as he heard Akanksha screaming.

"What happened jaan? Is there any pain " He asked

"No Adi, no pain " She replied
"Then why you shouted " He asked

"Why did you applied your chocolate perfume? I don't like it" She said

"But you like chocolates na " He asked

" Haan but you apply that other one " She said

" Ok"Aditya sighed

Yes, Akanksha is near her delivery date. And her mood changes in light's speed.

That night......
Akanksha  woke up due to sudden pain in her abdomen.
A sudden pain hit her again and this was very hard.

"" Aaaaah........ Aaaaah "
She screamed in pain

Aditya woke up hearing her scream and panicked seeing her like this.

"Jaan what happened "

"Adi, water broke "

Adi picked up Akanksha and  went out of the room, screaming

"Maaa..... Chachi "

Everyone came out hearing Aditya 's shouting and Akanksha's screaming

Aditya ran towards the car and sat with her at back seat.
Adhiraj started driving at highest speed.

"Adiiiii.... It's paining "
Akanksha whimpered in pain

"Haan jaan, we will reach soon "

Soon they reached the hospital

"Doctor...... Doctor " Aditya shouted

"Where the hell is that doctor " Aditya shouted in anger

The doctor came running there and saw Akanksha in pain.

"Hukum, we have to do her delivery now "

Aditya kissed  Akanksha's  forehead and said "you can do it jaan for our munchkins ok"

They took to the OT
Aditya also went inside the OT

The doctor checked Akanksha and saw she is fully dilated

"Hukum please tell Rani sa to start pushing"

"Jaan see, the moment had come which we were waiting for. Now our munchkins will come out. It's you who will bring them out. So be strong " He said slowly

"PUSH" Aditya cheered her
Akanksha started pushing, but she became tired soon and started closing her eyes

"Akanksha see you can't close her eyes. Our babies they are waiting to come in to world " Aditya said

Akanksha tried again pushing and last big push . That's when they heard  a baby crying .

"Hukum sa it's a boy " Doctor said

Nurse took that baby.
Akanksha again started pushing and one last big push.

Then they heard another baby crying.

"It's a baby girl hukum sa " The doctor said and Akanksha smiled before fainting .He kissed Akanksha's forehead and said "thank you so much love. I love you "
Doctor gave both the babies to Aditya.

Aditya came out holding them.

Aditya kissed both of them.whole family was very much happy as after 8 generations a girl born in their family.

After sometime Akanksha woke up. Aditya gave her both babies.

She kissed their whole face with tears.

"What will we name them? " Akanksha asked

"Akshita  my little princess and Akshay my little lion " Aditya said

Soon both the babies slept

Both looked at each other . Aditya held her hand ans said "thank you so much for coming in my life and making it this much beautiful. "

"No Adi, its you who made my life this much beautiful. I had never thought that someone will come in my life and love me the way I had  always wanted. You gave me everything. A very big family who loves me alot, fulfilled my dream and two cute cute babies  . Thank you so much" She said

" I love you. Akanksha "

"I love you Aditya "

He kissed her forehead and whispered
"Akanksha, My heart's only desire "

My lovely readers this story is completed today. Thank you all for giving  so much love to this book. Thanks alot for supporting me ♥️.
I will upload some bonus chapters soon.


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