~ Cursed

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⚠️⚠️TW- Self Harm⚠️⚠️

"Lily Evans, will you go out with me?" James asked, standing on a pedestal with a large spotlight over him, and a bouquet of roses in his hands.

"When pigs fly Potter," Lily said.

She had just come through the portrait hole and had been unpleasantly surprised.

James lowered his head and dropped the flowers and sulked off to the Marauders. Ella, who was with Lily, went over to the boys and sat beside Remus.

"What spell makes pigs fly?" James asked.

"Wingardium Levio- James stop smiling!" Ella said.

"We'll help you mate!" Sirius grinned.

"Where are you getting a pig from?" Remus asked.

"We can find one," Peter said, "or transfigure James into one. Maybe his animagus is a hog."

"About that, I don't want you to do it anymore," Remus said.

"Do what?" Ella asked.

"Nothing!" Remus said hastily.

"Ells, I think Marlene was calling you?" Sirius said.

"Oh, okay," she got up and went over to the girls.

"Did you call me Marls?" Ella asked.

"No?" Marlene said, "Why?"

"I... doesn't matter," Ella said, looking back at the boys.


A few weeks later was a Hogsmeade weekend. Ella went with the girls. She was dressed in all black, with a matching hooded cloak over it.

"Honeydukes?" Dorcas asked.

"You guys go ahead, I need to do something real quick," Ella said.

"What is it?" Lily asked, watching her anxiously.

"It's nothing, it's fine," Ella dashed away and sprinted to the end of the village.

She took an alleyway leading into the muggle village beside Hogsmeade. She pulled her hood up and walked through the dingy street. After that, she took a few turns and ended up at a large cliff. She went and sat on the edge, letting her legs dangle freely. She pulled her hood down and let her hair blow in the winter breeze.

Ella reached into her bag and pulled out a lighter. She took a shaky breath and lit it. With her other shaky hand, she pulled her shirt up and lay back on the rocky terrain. She brought the flame closer to her stomach and felt her skin singe. She winced slightly but held it there.

"One... two... three," she breathed.

She pulled it away and sighed with relief. She lifted her finger and the flame vanished. She lit it again and held it against her flesh. It seethed with pain during that slow count of three. She pulled it away and sat up, pulling her shirt back down.

Ella admired the stunning view. There were many other mountains and in the distance, she saw the faint outline of Hogwarts. She knew no one could see her doing what she had done. She smiled to herself and looked down at her watch - five-thirty.

"Shit," she muttered.

She clambered to her feet and shoved her lighter into the bottom of her bag. Ella sprinted back to Hogsmeade.

!!REWRITING!! Torn Into Pieces | Marauders Era | Sirius Black Sister Where stories live. Discover now