31~ Fifth Year: Friends?

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Ella stayed in the Hospital Wing for all of the following day. She slept through most of it and continued to lie to Madame Pomfrey by saying that she had fallen into the Whomping Willow.

"How did it happen?" Madame Pomfrey had asked as soon as Ella had woken up, "How did you fall?"

"I went on a walk to clear my head and I tripped over a rock. Fell down a hill and rolled straight into the Willow." Ella had said. In her head, she had gone over the tale at least a hundred times that day and had practically perfected it.

She was given many potions and blood replenishers throughout the day. When she wasn't taking potions, she was asleep.

At lunch, Sirius and Lily came by, dropping off some clothes and food for her.

"Just put the bag there Lils," Ella said, pointing at a spot on the floor in front of the bedside table. Lily did so.

"And the food?" Sirius asked.

"You do realise that I get fed, right?" Ella said, accepting a whizzbee.

"Hospital food is always shit, innit?" Sirius placed the assortment of treats on her bedside table.

"And all you've brought me is sugary sweets," Ella said flatly.

"But is it better?" Sirius grinned.

"I suppose." Ella sighed.

"How are you?" Lily asked, sitting down on the oak chair.

"Better," Ella smiled timidly, "Pomfrey's great."

"That's a relief," Sirius sighed, "We've all been worried sick. So, when can the lads come down to see-?"

"No!" Ella said firmly. Even though she knew that there was no way that Rosier could find out about the Marauders, she was still wary.

"Why?" Lily asked, slightly astonished that Ella didn't want to see her brothers.

"I... don't want to see them," Ella said pleadingly, "Please?"

Sirius looked at her until it finally clicked.

"Okay," he said quietly.

"You're seriously going to let her do this?" Lily asked. She was utterly flabbergasted.

"It's her choice," he shrugged.

"But, there's no legitimate reason!"

"I gave a reason," Ella said, "I don't want to see them."

Lily looked defeated.

"What about the girls?" She asked.

Ella thought for a moment. Rosier's words boomed in her head.

"Hanging around with half-bloods and mudbloods. Blood traitors too. Next thing I hear, you'll be snogging a half-breed, like the slut you are!"

"No." She concluded, "Just, leave it."

Lily and Sirius exchanged a concerned glance.

"Can we visit?" Sirius asked, sitting on the end of her bed.

"Course," Ella said.

"Well, we'll keep coming back," Lily said, "I'll drop off my notes and any homework later."

Ella smiled gratefully at her, "Thanks Lilypad."

"Should you be working?" Sirius asked worriedly.

"Stop being such a worrywart," Ella teased.

"I'm not a worrywart!" Sirius pointed his nose up in the air. Ella giggled and Lily looked at him disapprovingly.

"Oh hush," Ella laughed, "The bell will be going soon, go on, get outta here."

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