33 ~ Fifth Year: And So The Truth Comes Out

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"You sent him to the Hospital Wing, Sirius!" McGonagall shrieked. She rubbed her temples and sighed heavily.

"He started it!" Sirius insisted for the umpteenth time.

"I don't want to hear it!" She snapped.

The four Marauders were sat in McGonagall's office after the whole Barty Crouch incident and McGonagall's was absolutely livid. She had been yelling at them (mostly Sirius though) for about half an hour now.

"And Remus!" She shouted, "You're a prefect, for Godric's sake! You just stood there like an incapable imbecile. As a prefect, you are meant to take authority upon other students - friend or foe! The least you could have done was give a few detentions! Not to mention stopping it! Does being a prefect mean nothing to you?!"

"Yes," Remus mumbled.

"I beg your pardon?" She asked sharply, storms in her eyes.

"I don't like being a prefect!" Remus exclaimed, "I never have! I don't get why you picked me! How the hell could someone like... me be an authority figure?" He slumped down in his seat and stared at his scuffed-up shoes.

"Nonsense," McGonagall said quietly.

"Can't you just make someone else prefect?" Remus asked.

"There is no reason as to why you can not resume your role as prefect." McGonagall said pointedly, "And, seeing as you did not help and are partly to blame, your punishment is to continue with your prefect duties."

There was a few minutes of silence until James cleared his throat.

"Can we go, or-?"

"No, Mr Potter!" She snapped, "What I am trying to understand is why you injured Mr Crouch, Sirius." It was obviously a question.

"He provoked me," Sirius said quietly, "He... he started going on about my family."

"Not your family," James said sternly, "You were never one of them. Even before you left and got disowned—" James clapped a hand to his mouth.

"Disowned?" McGonagall repeated.

Sirius stared at his knees, cursing James in his head.

"Sirius?" McGonagall asked softly, "Is this true?"

Sirius nodded stiffly.

"When did this happen?" She asked cautiously.

"Christmas," he muttered.

McGonagall stood up abruptly, "Come with me." She said.

Sirius stood up and followed the witch out.

"You three stay here, don't move." She said firmly.

She led the boy through the castle, turning this way and that. The whole time she didn't speak a single word to him. They approached a statue of a gargoyle.

"Chocolate frog," she said firmly.

The gargoyle sprung into life and jumped to the side. A thin spiral staircase appeared and McGonagall ascended the stairs.

Sirius hesitated a moment, unsure of whether or not he should follow.

"Keep up Bl- Sirius," she said.

Sirius hastily climbed up the spiral staircase. At the top, they were met by a large door. The professor knocked on the door thrice before there was a faint 'enter' on the other side.

"Wait here," McGonnagall said sternly. Sirius nodded and she went in. He caught a glimpse of Dumbledore, but before he could confirm it was him, the door slammed shut.

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