~ Mr Prickles

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"A plant?" Remus said, "All that suspense for a stupid little plant?"

"It's not stupid!" Ella said defensively, "And it has a name."

"Does it now?" he rolled his eyes.

"What is it Ells?" Sirius asked.

"Mr Prickles!" Ella beamed, admiring her little pointy succulent.

"It's perfect!" James grinned.

"You actually named the plant?" Lily said in disbelief.

"That's Mr Prickles to you Evans!" Sirius said.

"Where did you get him?" Marlene asked.

"The Black Market," Ella said dryly.

"Was it Hogsmeade?" Dorcas asked.

"I'm not that basic!" Ella said, "Greenhouses, Sprout let me keep it."

"Why?" Remus sighed.

"Because I fell in love!" Ella said, "And look at the pot! It's pastel pink!"

"Where will he live?" Sirius asked dramatically.

"On this table!" Ella placed the plant down on the table at the seats that the Marauders always sat at.

"You're mental," Alice said flatly, "you all are."


Days turned into weeks and soon enough, it was March. Remus' birthday was quickly approaching and the boys had been busy orchestrating his surprise party.

"So, Remus?" James said, not so casually over dinner one evening, "What are your plans for the... tenth?"

"Nothing," Remus said, quirking an eyebrow, "Probably gonna hang out with you lot?"

"Sorry Rem," Sirius said, "We have practice that day."

"Can I watch?" Remus asked.

"Well, I'd love you to," James said, "but it'll be raining a lot. So, if you want to-"

"No, it's okay," Remus said, "I'll do some homework or something."

"Thanks Moony," Sirius smiled, smacking him on the back playfully.


"Hey, Ells?" Sirius said.

"What's up Siri?" Ella said.

"Have you heard about Andy?"

"What about her?" Ella said, looking up from her homework.

"She's disowned." Sirius said quietly.

"What for?" Ella asked worriedly.

"She's engaged to Ted Tonks, muggle-born. Had a secret love affair and everything." Sirius said.

"Is she okay?" Ella asked.

"Dunno, probably not."

"We need to go see her." Ella said defiantly.

"That's the problem. Dunno where she is."

"We'll find her."

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