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Phil's pov

It's been almost a month and me and america were able to keep our relationship a secret . He often snuck into my apartment late at night and we would watch movies together , play videogames , and cuddle at nights when I felt tired to do anything or everything.

At school he would act all mean and pull mean jokes at me but he made sure that they were harmless and made sure that he didn't hurt me . And I'm going to a party with my Friend, Indonesia, he was the one who invited me . The party was to be held at the sibling's mansion and Canada was the one who invited Indo and Indo asked if he can bring a few friends

I put on a crop top and a tennis skirt that was above my knees , and a black pair of white Snickers that was a gift from south Korea to pair with it . I then started to put on light make up . Curled eyelashes , mascara , blush , eyeliner , and light foundation was almost all I needed for the whole night . "I think you're forgetting something" I turned around to see Malaysia with a brown lip stick on her hands .

She comes up to me and and applied it on my lips , she was also coming to the party but she's not drinking "now I don't want you getting introble tonight" she says as she finishes and went behind me as we both faces the mirror with me . Malaysia wore a an over sized sweat shirt and a pair of baggy jeans and she wore converse shoes. She was also wearing make up as well . "Gosh , you look beautiful" I muttered as she chuckled "not really" she says as I turned to her , she was figeting with her fingers "for real , you look amazing" I say

"I feel stupid" she says as I approached "everyone feels that way , you just need to believe in yourself and be you" I say as I fixed her eyeliner for her , having Malaysia growing up was such a blessing she's always sweet and supportive "done" I say as she smiled as I pulled out my phone a took a selfie of us both . "Are we gonna go now ?" Indonesia who entered my room said and flopped on my bed "we'll be going now" I turned around and looked at him kicking his leg lightly "get up" I say as Indonesia looked at me "you're not going like that" he says as he removed his vasity jacket giving it to me "cover" he demanded as I rolled my eyes "you know how I hate it when you act like my parent" I say as I put it on . "Let's go now" he says as he got up walking down the stairs as me and Malaysia followed him down after locking out apartment doors . From the way out Indonesia had his car with him . He opened the door for Malaysia, she was gonna sit on the driver's side while I was gonna sit behind them. Indo was gonna drive the car .

"Can I drive ?" I asked not wanting to stay on the back all alone "no" Indonesia said as he buckled his seat belt "we'd be all died if I'll let you do that" he says as he started driving while Malaysia was on her phone unbothered
"And did I mention your Bully is there" Indo says "yeah , my bully" my eyes wandered outside the window.

~time skip~

We arrived at Canada's mansion there where alot of people, it's like Canada invited the whole school after all he is such a maple syrup when making friends and he is popular for it , he had lots of friends. Indonesia parked his car as Malaysia and me stepped out and Indonesia as well "c'mon" he says as we both followed him inside and ringed the door bell . Then one of Canada's butlers answered the door bell "the party is at the back yard , just go straight and turn left and you'll reach the kitchen and there's the door to the backyard" the butler instructed "and please don't touch any statues, Mr . Britain and Mrs France won't be pleased" the butler instructed.

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