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Phil's pov
The sound of music and euphoria for drinking more and more hit me , I should've listened to Malaysia , I should've not gone here in the night club . I walked to the table where I was sitting earlier. I realized that I was drunk , my vision was blurry and my eyes were heavy but that didn't stop me from pushing myself back to the dance floor , it felt like I myself was possessed. I just couldn't control myself anymore "Phil" a voice from the noisy crowd and from the large crowd a figure made it's way to me it was south Korea she brought me here , I was gonna decline the invation but how could I ? I didn't want to do any homework or requirements "you better go home now . You're drunk" she says noticing that I was drunk "I shouldn't have brought you here" he pinched the bridge of her nose with her hand "sh sh" I hushed her drunkly "let me have some fun , school is tomorrow" I say and continued to dance , swaying my hips to the beat "c'mon Phil, this is serious" south Korea pulls me to the side . "I don't feel good" I spoke out I felt acid rising from my stomach at first sight south Korea thought that it was lame excuse but when I stood up . She knew what was going to happen , I rushed myself to the toilet and ended up bumping into random people due to my unclear vision with both my hand covering my mouth.

When I finally reached the toilet some people were also in the toilet, they where on the floor passed out . As I reached a bathroom stall I fell to my knees and threw up. Suddenly I felt someone who held my hair up keeping my hair away from getting damped from my discussing puke "leave me alone south , I'll be alright" I say turning around but instead of finding a female figure instead it was a guy . The guy had blonde hair , he's tall and- "are you sure philipuke ? You don't seem alright" now I recognized who this guy is . It's none other than my bully from school that I had a crush on , america.

"What do you want amerishit" I say as he squatted down at me and he extended his arm helping me up to the sink since I knew for I moment america knew I couldn't walk properly to sink , he watched me as I washed my mouth with the flowing water and as I washed my hands. After that he offered me a small piece of cloth to wipe my mouth after that my dark brown eyes met his blue ocean shallow eyes "what do you want ?" I say as he smirked "you know what I want Phil , you know what I want so badly" he whispered in my ear as I felt his soft breath that reached my neck "I really don't know" I said before once again turning to his eyes that has changed to lust . Now I knew what he wants.

"No" I said as he chuckled "I wonder what will ASEAN say if he knew that you were going to a place like this ?" My eyes then widen as ame smirk, I wanted to slap that smirk off his mouth "go ahead. Tell him" I say not believing untill he brought out his phone and started saying the numbers of asean's phone number one by one and as he was about to press dial "stop" I said as he stopped. Tears then started running down my cheek "don't cry" he said as he cupped my cheek wiping away the tears from my face . He then proceeds to kiss me slowly doing a french kiss but I stopped him by bitting his lips hard and he pulled back but he wasn't mad he slowly sucked the blood that was dripping down his cheek . "Fiesty I like it" he says as he grabbed me by the arm exiting the toilet and we left the club by the exit back door I tried to pull my arm away from him but he was strong ,this was different from the america that I knew in school but he bullied me for no reason but I question why , why was he so kind to other but not to me ?

Fuck it . Fuck him.

He took me to his expensive car and he started driving fast in no time to his house , I was in the car seat now doing nothing. What am I doing ? I'm about to get fucked by my bully and also my fucking crush. Why did I even like him on the first place when all he ever did to me is bad things . Why does he hate me so much . It doesn't make sense first thing is he does some bad shit to me and second I'm about to get fucked by my him .

It didn't even took 10 minutes until we arrived to his house "get out of the car" he demanded, wow he can't even wait . I unblucked my seat belt as he quickly went out and slammed the door. Wow now he's mad like he's the one getting blackmailed here . He goes over to the door opening it and flings me over his shoulder "I can walk you know !" I shouted at him "no need, you can't walk tomorrow anyway" he says... excuse me ? I tried wiggling myself and ame gave up and placed me down gently.

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