I'm Not Like You - Chapter 11

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Thank you all for 600+ readers!❤️ I love you all sm<3

Also,you'll find that when Y/n is with Bill she thinks about Tom a lot,and when she is with Tom she'll be thinking about Bill a lot. I'm doing this to make it harder to choose towards the end as Y/n will have to pick one.Im also doing this to give an idea of how the twins are similar in some ways,hopefully that's okay with you guys :)

Anyways,Enjoy reading!


I woke up,feeling absolutely sore. I looked to my left but Bill wasn't there.I looked to my right to see a pain killer and water on the bedside table. I sat up and took them and then very slowly got out of bed to wobbled my way over to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my hair.

After I was done,I went down the stairs to see Bill,who was already dressed and cooking some scrambled omelet with sausages on the side.

I walked up and hugged him from behind,pressing my face on his back.

He turned around and hugged me.

Bill: "How'd you sleep Perle? I left a pain killer on the bedside table for you to be slightly more okay later today."

He nervously smiled at me.

Y/n: "Yeah I'm fine,I saw it by the way-Thank you. I'm still a bit sore but I should be fine with a bit of rest."

Bill turned back to his cooking.

Bill: "How does scrambled omelette with sausages sound?"

I went to sit down at the table.

Y/n: "If you've cooked it,it sounds amazing."

He put the portion on the plate and brang it over to the table for me. He had then kissed me on the forehead,going back to the kitchen to also bring something else.

He came back with two mugs of coffee and sat down in front of me with one of them.

I looked up at him.

Y/n: "Are you not eating?"

Bill: "Don't worry Perle,I've already eaten way before. Also don't forget to check if I've put everything in your luggage after you've eaten."

Y/n: "I totally forgot about that! Thank you."

Bill: "It's really no problem!"

I smiled at him as he looked out into a large window that showed off the sun rising.

I admired how his eyes glittered like rhinestones in the blazing sun, and his hair sat so nicely,he had decided to just straighten it. He hadn't put any makeup on. He was probably getting all of that done before the show so it's fresh.

I had finished my food and a thought suddenly came to my head...how could I forget?

My job!

Y/n: "Shit."

Bill looked at me confused.

Bill: "Are you okay? What happened?"

Y/n: "Bill...I forgot to tell my boss. He won't allow me to get out of work for 7 weeks!"

Bill: "Then just quit."

Y/n: "I'll have no other source of income Bill...I won't be able to keep my house!"

Bill looked deep into my eyes and sighed.

Bill: "I've got everything covered. I've already called your boss to tell him you're going to quit,I told him about the tour and told him how you'll be signing the papers only after we come back from tour."

In between..(Kaulitz Twins x F Reader FF)Where stories live. Discover now