Crazy - Chapter 17

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Hello everyone! Sorry for the unfrequent uploads,as I've said my exams are very important so I only write small bits when I have time to! Hope you guys understand ❤️

Anyways,enjoy reading<3



I opened my eyes and rolled around a bit until I felt something harsh on my back. It was my had a small crack in it so I assumed that I had accidentally slept on it.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes as I slowly sat up.

I looked around,remembering someone's presence around me last night-however,there was no one there.

I was confused but I got up never the less. I stretched out and made my way downstairs.

As I got all the way down,I was greeted by Tom turning his neck to face me from the couch.

Y/n: "Morninnnnng!"

Tom gave me a big smile.

Tom: "Good morning Engel."

I looked around to try and locate Bill but he was no where to be seen.

Y/n: "Where's Bill?"

Tom: "He said he was going out for a drive,he seemed quite upset."

Tom looked a bit sad himself as he said that...he really loved Bill.

I smiled to myself.

Tom: "We have a press conference later if you wanna tag along! A lot of people want to see you as well so I think it would be nice."

Y/n: "I'll only come on one condition..."

Tom raised his eyebrow at me,very clearly confused.

Tom: "What?"

Y/n: "We go shopping so I can get a new dress?"

Tom chuckled and playfully rolled his eyes at me.

Tom: "Why do you want me to tag along with you? You take forever when going shopping and it's so boring waiting around for you!"

I gave him a playful punch in the arm and got slightly embarrassed.

Y/n: "I want your opinion on which dress looks best...and hopefully Bill's opinion too!"

He gave me a cheeky grin,as my cheeks flushed red and I looked down at the floor.

Tom: "You want to make a good impression on me or something?"

I scoffed at him jokingly.

Y/n: "No..I'm trying to look good for myself. I like looking good!"

His dark brown eyes looked into my eyes and stared at me,his lips tugging in the corners to form a smile.

I rolled my eyes once again and turned around to go upstairs and get ready.

Y/n: "Make sure you're ready by the time I'm done! And also..try texting Bill,ask when he's getting home."

I shouted back loud enough so he could hear me as I rushed my way to my closet and opened it up to take a look at wait awaited me inside.

In between..(Kaulitz Twins x F Reader FF)Where stories live. Discover now