where the spirits meet the bones

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Aithinne's eyes follow the ant traveling across the stone, wishing to be taken away to wherever it goes. What does it feel like, to belong to a home? Aithinne doesn't know. She hasn't known the answer in two thousand years, and today, the answer feels particularly far away.

A hand lands on her shoulder, sending electric chills down her spine. Aithinne jumps back at the intruder, only finding herself face to face to the exact figure she has been avoiding for years.

"I haven't seen you here in a while." The familiar stranger speaks as she places the bouquet of roses in her hands onto the grave in front of them.

"I was... otherwise engaged." is the only thing Aithinne is able to spit out at the moment.

"I'm sure you are." She doesn't stand up, doesn't move from her former position of placing the flowers, and so Aithinne kneels by her side and stare at the names on the tomb.

Here lies the grave of Aileana and Kiaran McKay.

"Tell me their story again."

Aithinne is again startled by the request. "Katrina, I-"

"Please." is the only word she says. That's enough to shut Aithinne up from the restraints, the complaints. "They were happy, weren't they?" Aithinne can feel Katrina's eyes on her, pleading. But Aithinne couldn't bring herself to face her just yet.

"I've never seen anyone as happy as they make each other." Aithinne can feel a hot tear burning down her cheek. "I'd like to believe they saved each other."

Aithinne feels a gentle grasp in her palm, looks down and finds Katrina's hand locked into hers. A tiny squeeze, barely noticeable, but firm. Then she looks at her, the face that burns her heart. Dark lilac eyes as deep as the ocean and bright red hair that burns like the clouds upon dusk. The look of determination and an underlying sadness. A fighting spirit that kindles underneath that tranquil expression. Two of her most beloved persons, lost in one silhouette.

"I just wish I had more time with them." Katrina lets out a sigh.

"I share the same feeling, as I'm sure they do too." Aithinne squeezes her hand tightly. "How- how have you been?" Guilt washing over her body. She should've asked her this long ago. She should've been there for her, not the other way around.

Katrina seems taken aback by the sudden change of topic, but she doesn't let her surprise show. "Things are fine. I mean, life goes on." She lets go of Aithinne's hand and straightens her back. "Mister Galloway wants me to inherit his property. Did you know that he never married? Anyway, Aunt Catherine's children Derek and Annabelle are probably going to inherit his fortune, but he wants me to keep the house. Not that I have ever wanted it, but they said it was very important to my mother."

"Would you want to visit the Sìth?" Aithinne blurts out all of a sudden, surprising herself even.

"The fae realm?" Katrina's eyebrows break into a frown. "But I'm no fae."

Aithinne shakes her head. "I can bring you there for a while. Time passes faster there than in the human realm, but as long as we watch out it should be fine. Your parents never quite liked it before, but I'd like to believe I made it a better place." Aithinne lets out a deep sigh. "I never had the opportunity to show them the new version of it. I hope they'd like it."

"Well, I guess it's high time, then." Katrina stands on her feet, then extends a helping hand towards Aithinne. "Maybe next time we're here, we could tell them what it's like together."

AithinneWhere stories live. Discover now