Chapter 3

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"What in the world happened to you three?!" We turned around and saw our parents, along with the principle, Mrs. Stain.

"Im so sorry Mrs. Silver, but we must get your son into the back so that we can fix up his arm. " A doctor spoke, coming up behind us. My mom sighed deeply, and walked away with everyone but Ketoria. She looked worried for me, but i thought nothing of it as i hugged her, and walked away.

~*Ketoria's POV*~

As Kenny walked away and out of the room, our parents were talking to our principle, and Mark kept asking the nurses questions. I continued to think about what i had seen right before the bus had abruptly stopped. I couldn't exactly make out the shape, but it clearly had wings. And the color was very white. It was way too soon for winter, so it couldn't have been snow. What about a run away albino ostrich. That or a giant albino rhino! that is absolutely outrageous...a giant albino rhino...but then again... The eyes i had seen...or what reminded me of eyes, were blood red, and pink around the outside. Could it have been our school bully playing a trick on us? I looked down on my forearm, and made sure it was out of view from the adults and Mark. It's still insane about what im seeing right now...

On my forearm was a pink, red, and green scar...the pink part looked just like a heart, my favorite thing to draw and doodle, besides dragons, and the red had a swirl going around it in a pattern that was hard to describe. The green part, was a small "+" sign, with wings coming out the sides. I glanced over at my little brother, now talking to a kid about his age who looked to have a broken leg. I looked at the kids hair, and it was unnaturally white, and his eyes were red.

Stop it Ketoria...your just seeing things... I mentally kicked myself. I looked back over and i could see the side of the strange kids' face, a blue swirl, right by his eye. I then looked at Mark, and saw that he had a whitish, grayish symbol on his cheek.

What in the world is going on...?

"Ketoria?! What are you doing? What's that on your arm?" I jumped and looked over at my mother. I turned to hide my arm, and stopped staring at the kid. They may think im an insane creeper.

"Ketoria! Answer me right now!" I got up and turned around, facing the three adults, and looked into my mothers eyes. I felt a strange surge in my blood, like adrenaline but it felt...different. A power burned in my veins, and i liked the feeling of it. I didn't know what happened, but i turned back around, and walked out the hospital doors, and decided to go on a walk, i knew Kenny had his phone with him, because he always did. I texted him saying i would be outside walking, and to text me when he got out. I looked around, and found a small pathway, leading into the forest that lay behind the hospital. I instantly started walking on the path, looking at the trees and flowers, just thinking.


I turned back around, frightened, and looked around, seeing nothing. I thought nothing of it, so i turned back around, and continued walking.

Rustle...i turned back around again and decided to look around. Walking over to a large bush on the side of the trail, i looked into the bustle of leaves and branches, seeing something brown and white. Moving away the extra leaves, i reached down to touch it, but realized it was a rose bush, and got thorns in my arm and wrist. I yanked my arm out, tears coming in my eyes, and i yelled out slightly. I looked at my arm and picked out the thorns that remained in my skin, wincing when it came out. I then looked at it after all of the thorns were out.

"Crap..." I muttered.

Rustle...i suddenly remembered the thing in the ground between the bush. I pulled out my pocket knife that i always carried with me, and started the slow process of breaking the branches off.

~1 Hour Later~

Finally after about an hour of trying to remove the branches, i felt something soft on the ground. Looking closer, i could see white spots on the brown softness. I looked farther from the spot, and saw what looked like a little tail, and closer yet, were three long legs.

Gasping, i looked to the other way, and saw a deers' head. Having a very soft spot for animals, i gently picked it up, and carried it with no problem, over to the trail. I set it down, and noticed it only had three legs, and had plenty of dried blood on its body from the thorns. I took off my heavy coat, and set it on the ground. I went back over to the deer, and noticed it was a girl. I picked her up, and set her on my jacket, not caring if it got it bloody and dirty. I took out my phone and saw that Kenny had texted me back, asking me if i was ok, and that everyone was looking for me. I replied saying yes, i have a present for you all when i get back, closed my phone, sent it, and threw it into my pocket.

"So you are the little bugger who scared the daylights out of me." I looked at her head and saw her eyes moving, looking frightened. I laughed slightly and started to pet her softly on the head. I wrapped her into my jacket, picked her up, and headed back to the hospital. Feeling something wet, i looked down and saw her licking my finger. I laughed, and ran back, careful not to hurt her.

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